Test Story

Posted on Sunday, August 28, 2005 @ 06:50:04 CDT in My Scripts and/or Mods
by Raven

Testing a Google Ad Sense placement in a News article.


Re: Test Story (Score: 1)
by 64bitguy on Sunday, August 28, 2005 @ 14:58:47 CDT

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I've seen this done a number of sites lately, even in forums where the last reply is nothing but an ad.

My personal opinion is... I HATE IT, but that's just me.

As I see it, there are a number of issues with it.

  • 1 - It adds a significant amount of non-compliant code to any page it is used on, on EVERY domain where it is employed. In the case of news articles, up to 100 compliance errors PER ARTICLE, in the case of forum posts, it is even worse because of the template system employed by phpBB.
  • 2 - I see enough ads as it is, the last thing I want to see is more! If it were paid advertising that is content related fine, but Google ads are anything but content related. They are the SPAM of website browsing, much like SpAmazon. I have a bunch of funny banners like this one because if I can't see advertising, I'm at least going to have fun with the feature! (See my footers at http://64bit.us [64bit.us])

  • 3 - It increases GoogleAds impressions, but if nobody clicks on them, it reduces your impression/hit ratio which reduces your income potential.
  • 4 - It creates new frames for each ad (wherever that ad appears) and that is the last thing anyone needs.

Take my comments with a grain of salt, but I'm really sick of Google Adsense affiliate advertising, especially when I visit a site and there are dozens of them on every page doing nothing more than wasting space and slowing the site down because every one of those puppies has to be remotely fetched. On top of that, it's just really annoying. I really wish more webmasters would swap ads based on content. If nothing more, it really helps your link-to percentages.

The only one that seems to have learned that lesson is "Nuke Royal" who incorporates a ton of his own link backs and META tags by having his name and link in 1000 places inside the code (and generated pages) used by his subscription, "solution". It's the worst case of proprietary benefit at the expense of every webmaster that is using this code that I have ever seen.... I can't believe people actually pay to be abused in this way, but it demonstrates that someone has learned the benefits of this lesson well.

Just my two-cents... Like I said, take it with a grain of salt.


Re: Test Story (Score: 1)
by peace
(rofl@lmao.com) on Sunday, August 28, 2005 @ 16:24:42 CDT
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Gaylen as your next step im waiting you create a nuke site in google adsense ill buy it when you done :)

Re: Test Story (Score: 1)
by peace
(rofl@lmao.com) on Monday, August 29, 2005 @ 14:31:33 CDT
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my tryings is goin on now i have adsence in the pop up window when you get after hit View more Emoticons window rofl

Re: Test Story (Score: 1)
by sharlein
on Monday, August 29, 2005 @ 17:57:29 CDT
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I took my grain of salt, lol. I am still trying to figure out point number 3. I would think that any form of advertising that you put on a site raises your income potential. It may lower your hit ratio, but I do not see the two being connected. Help me, pleaseee! Steve


Re: Test Story (Score: 1)
by sixonetonoffun on Sunday, August 28, 2005 @ 18:58:25 CDT

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I was thinking of forcing one in a gateway page when ya click on the readmore links but never got around to it.

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