Update on the giving for baby Michelle Ramos

Posted on Saturday, October 01, 2005 @ 02:41:16 CDT in Michelle
by Raven

As promised in the September 10, 2005 News Story on Michelle Ramos, in addition to my personal donation to the family I promised that all monies donated to this site during the month of September would be donated to her cause also. Your giving came to approximately $140 (net). Thanks so much! I will ask that we be given update ASAP. Thanks once again.
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Re: Update on the giving for baby Michelle Ramos (Score: 1)
by Tizwit on Saturday, October 01, 2005 @ 03:19:46 CDT

(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.4Support.org

I am sorry for the lack of updates about Michelle. The reason I have not been able to post much about the progress is since I am/was one of her care givers I am restricted by HIPPA laws. I can say that there has been some GREAT developments in her care. And from a message I got from a friend of the family which states:

"I spoke to "Mothers name Edited" a couple of days and she informed me that the had put Michelle on the list and they were waiting for a donor so I'll keep my fingers crossed that it will be soon. I'll post this website on some pages I visit often and give it out to some people I know."

I also know more but I am restricted until I get word and permission to post it from Michelles mother or once a family friend passes me the info.

I know that this is not what everyone wanted to hear but I will post updates as soon as I get them.

Thank you all again for your support.



Re: Update on the giving for baby Michelle Ramos (Score: 1)
by Mesum on Saturday, October 01, 2005 @ 03:31:22 CDT

(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.desitribe.com

My friend I feel bad that you were not able to raise a lot of money. I tried my best to tell people about this as much as possible.
I hope everything goes well with this kid.

Re: Update on the giving for baby Michelle Ramos (Score: 1)
by Tizwit
on Saturday, October 01, 2005 @ 03:37:14 CDT
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.4Support.org

While money is important the site is also looking for letters of support and words of encouragement for the family during this hard time. If you know people that can not give money or just find it hard to give money online during these times please ask them to stop by and send a letter to the family offering supporting words and prayers.

While money is the one thing needed most lets not forget that the family also needs to know they are not alone and that MANY people have them in their thoughts.

www.4Support.org *Save Michelle*


Re: Update on the giving for baby Michelle Ramos (Score: 1)
by Tizwit on Saturday, October 01, 2005 @ 03:38:19 CDT

(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.4Support.org

While money is important the site is also looking for letters of support and words of encouragement for the family during this hard time. If you know people that can not give money or just find it hard to give money online during these times please ask them to stop by and send a letter to the family offering supporting words and prayers.

While money is the one thing needed most lets not forget that the family also needs to know they are not alone and that MANY people have them in their thoughts.

www.4Support.org *Save Michelle*


Re: Update on the giving for baby Michelle Ramos (Score: 1)
by nukeevangelist on Monday, October 03, 2005 @ 16:44:37 CDT
(User Info | Send a Message)

hi there ,

great to see this article - especially to see it on this high tech side.

it gives the community somewhat of a human-touch! thanks for sharing and for let us take part in your live

all the best to you and to the whole family and to all beloved

and yes - keep up the great great project.


Re: Update on the giving for baby Michelle Ramos (Score: 1)
by Tizwit
on Monday, October 03, 2005 @ 17:05:58 CDT
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.4Support.org

Thank you

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