These are from the Apache Mod Rewrite Guide. These are killer scripts in my estimation. Enjoy!!
- Time-Dependend Rewriting
When tricks like time-dependend content should happen, a lot of webmasters still use CGI scripts which do for instance redirects to specialized pages. How can it be done via mod_rewrite?
There are a lot of variables named TIME_xxx for rewrite conditions. In conjunction with the special lexicographic comparison patterns <STRING, >STRING and =STRING we can do time-dependend redirects:
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{TIME_HOUR}%{TIME_MIN} >0700
RewriteCond %{TIME_HOUR}%{TIME_MIN} <1900
RewriteRule ^foo.html$
RewriteRule ^foo.html$ foo.night.html
- Host Deny Using External File
How can we forbid a list of externally configured hosts from using our server?
RewriteEngine on
RewriteMap hosts-deny txt:/path/to/hosts.deny
RewriteCond ${hosts-deny:%{REMOTE_HOST}|NOT-FOUND} !=NOT-FOUND [OR]
RewriteCond ${hosts-deny:%{REMOTE_ADDR}|NOT-FOUND} !=NOT-FOUND
RewriteRule ^/.* - [F]
Re: Apache Solutions - Time-Dependent Rewriting & Host Deny From (Score: 1) | ![]() | Marvellous! At least to me, this opens up all new possibilities regarding *.htaccess* utilization being incorporated with "Google Tapped" PHP-Nuke Modules - i.e. timed control of PHP-Nuke Modules. This is awesome! |
Re: Apache Solutions - Time-Dependent Rewriting & Host Deny From (Score: 1) by Raven (raven (_AT_) ravenphpscripts (_DOT_) com) on Sunday, October 10, 2004 @ 12:39:40 CDT (User Info | Send a Message) | |
And also timed control for site maintenance! How about giving a user a timed control access to a module he's intereted in buying :wink: ? |