Cache Lite Admin Module

Posted on Sunday, October 24, 2004 @ 00:31:51 CDT in My Scripts and/or Mods
by Raven

For those who use Cache Lite, are you tired of the hassle of manually deleting a single file, or all files? Well then, take a look at this screen capture of a Cache Lite Admin Module I am writing and I and a few others are testing :). Now does that make your mouth water, or what?I have more things planned for this module. If you'd like to suggest some things, bring it on :).Note:
Please note that this an ADMIN module and it you attempt to access it you will be banned by NukeSentinel in a most nasty way
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Re: Cache Lite Admin Module (Score: 1)
by telli on Sunday, October 24, 2004 @ 04:13:27 CDT

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Hi Raven,

I have been using cache Lite in my php sites for a few years now and just love what your offering to others but I have a few questions about the admin panel. I also made one just for the purpose of turning off the cache in a block or sql query (basically if i want it to update) but I dont have any problems with these files not deleting themsleves. They basically just overwrite the old one when the cache time has expired so what is the purpose of that?


Re: Cache Lite Admin Module (Score: 1)
by Raven
(raven (_AT_) ravenphpscripts (_DOT_) com) on Sunday, October 24, 2004 @ 07:16:44 CDT
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Let' say you've cached certain blocks to refresh every 2 hours or whatever because you usually don't update more than that. But, for whatever the reason you are making more updates, bu then yiu will still want to leave it at 2 hours. You may want those to be seen immediately. With this admin panel you can refresh them right from nuke. The admin panel will also be doing much more :) - stay tuned.


Re: Cache Lite Admin Module (Score: 1)
by sixonetonoffun on Sunday, October 24, 2004 @ 09:51:12 CDT

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Another benefit is you can see which files are being cached if you don't use the [cached] at the end of each block. Without checking the actual tmp directory.


Re: Cache Lite Admin Module (Score: 1)
by 64bitguy on Tuesday, October 26, 2004 @ 12:40:29 CDT

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Pardon me while I drewl all over my keyboard. Is this where I sign up to beta test? :)

Re: Cache Lite Admin Module (Score: 1)
by Raven
(raven (_AT_) ravenphpscripts (_DOT_) com) on Tuesday, October 26, 2004 @ 16:01:57 CDT
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He he he :) You ain't seen nothing yet. I should be releasing it shortly to a FEW testers who have already been chosen. I will add you to my list.

I will tell you all now that this will be a paid script. I'm not going to get into any flames or discussions about gpl this or that. GPL allows me to charge for the delivery/downloading rights. It will not be expensive, but there will be a charge.


Re: Cache Lite Admin Module (Score: 1)
by Raven (raven (_AT_) ravenphpscripts (_DOT_) com) on Tuesday, October 26, 2004 @ 21:46:21 CDT

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All configuration is now being run from a database table :). So much more to come. Only 3 lines of code in your blocks! After that all management is from the database.

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