Portedmods.com Under New Management

Posted on Friday, February 18, 2005 @ 22:42:53 CST in Announcements
by Raven

From Anor

Hello, friends

This is an announcement which will probably please you all. Portedmods.com is being taken over by Raven from http://www.ravenphpscripts.com. The site may change graphicly but the heart and soul remain. I myself think this is the best solution for the community. The changeover will occur soon, but furter details are not yet known.
If you are currently on staff at portedmods.com, please let me know via PM or email as to your desires. Thanks!Note:
From Raven

I am very thankful that Anor is entrusting Raven Web Services with this. I am still gathering the details on the present staff and their desire(s) to come with the transfer, but I have no more details at this time. Anor and I are in the process of transferring the domain, files, etc., and want to ensure that everything is done decently and in order. My intent is to transfer the forums also, but as you all know, it is not just a slam dunk to move forum postings from one site to another. Anyway, suffice it to say that it may be a week or so before we have it all up and running but it will be done as soon as possible. Let me know your interest in support of the site but I will post details as we resolve them. Asking questions until then will probably result in "Hmmm, I'll get back to you ". :lol:
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Re: Portedmods.com Under New Management (Score: 1)
by Mesum on Saturday, February 19, 2005 @ 05:28:54 CST

(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.desitribe.com

This is a great new man!


Re: Portedmods.com Under New Management (Score: 1)
by Guardian2003 on Saturday, February 19, 2005 @ 05:31:25 CST

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Whilst it is a sad occassion that PortedMods has had to make this change, I could count on two (or maybe three) fingers the people I would have liked to have seen in the role of new management for the site.

I am so pleased to learn that one of my choices is doing so - congratulations Raven and even though I don't post very often, you certainly get my full support in all your endeavours!


Re: Portedmods.com Under New Management (Score: 1)
by sharlein on Saturday, February 19, 2005 @ 08:01:15 CST

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Happiness and Tragedy, life as we know it. I am very happy to hear this announcement knowing it will be in very capable hands. I also feel sadness in that our community failed to support the site. More people MUST show financial support in any amount to our quality sites, or we will face more Tragedy!

Re: Portedmods.com Under New Management (Score: 1)
by TheosEleos
on Saturday, February 19, 2005 @ 08:30:49 CST
(User Info | Send a Message) http://bluecollarcoaching.net

You are correct!

As a community grows it is really important that we take care of the support sites we use the most.

Re: Portedmods.com Under New Management (Score: 1)
by chatserv
on Saturday, February 19, 2005 @ 11:57:25 CST
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.scriptheaven.net

sadly that is not the case, i've been around for some time now and hardly ever get support on any of my ventures but i'm still hanging in there, as for Portedmods even though it saddens me to see such drastic measures being taken i'm glad it fell in quite capable hands, i'm sure something good will come out of it.

Re: Portedmods.com Under New Management (Score: 1)
by Guardian2003
on Saturday, February 19, 2005 @ 12:43:34 CST
(User Info | Send a Message)

I'm no coder but if I had your web address (it isnt in your profile) I'd be happy to pop on over for some moral support at least.
Off topic - no joy with more info from the author of CMM2F (or whatever it was)?

Re: Portedmods.com Under New Management (Score: 1)
by chatserv
on Saturday, February 19, 2005 @ 13:02:17 CST
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.scriptheaven.net

lol good point, guess we often assume everyone knows where we are, i'll correct that, as for CM2F i'd like nothing more than to get a copy that half worked so that i could finish it, as it stands the current one requires so much modifications and these cause new problems, i've asked the author to send me the files he has running at the Nuke test site but no luck.


Re: Portedmods.com Under New Management (Score: 1)
by Mighty_Y on Sunday, February 20, 2005 @ 05:27:46 CST
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Oh, money isn't why we closed the site, atleast not the main reason! Cause I get some money out of my commercial scripts where I could pay the server with!
It's the lack of return you get in a support site: 90% of the users just doesn't feel the need to thank you for helping them and more and more users just doesn't reply back although you know for 100% that you helped them fix your problems.

Also the fact that phpnuke keeps going in a direction I don't really like + the site started as a phpBB Mods to phpNuke Mods convert site but at the present time the mos that have to be converted are converted and all the other mods can be used without any modification.

And other mostly real-life problems for anor, made us doing this.

Re: Portedmods.com Under New Management (Score: 1)
by ordhor
on Sunday, February 20, 2005 @ 15:20:31 CST
(User Info | Send a Message) http://ptnuke.com

how do i understand you...
best of luck with yours and anor's life projects

and three cheers to raven to continue with portedmods!! ! :)

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