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Joined: Dec 01, 2008
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 9:52 pm Reply with quote

The power of words, the power of politics, but don't you think there is too many obstructions and greed, that democracy is unfair and strategically in shambles, with also the fact that now the world is becoming so entwined by policies and new idea's, that the world is like 'porns on a chess board'.

Freedom is depressed by so many means, and whilst the rich get richer the poor do get poorer and find it harder to survive.
Defense is not defense, it is unreconciliatable invasion. Military is for greed and power, psychological killer instinct training and torture. To much Surviellance is obtrusion of our personal beings. Demands and expectations.

Where as all the old time morals gone, where people were free; think of how many people have been on this earth and how many people have been through the judicial system, compared to the length of peoples lives; a minute minority tightened by laws, bringing the entire political strategies to neglect what should be our rights; having the need for so much punishment or retaliation, rather than socialable compromising, rehabilitating, or advisories.

No government or official created us, or told us to be on this earth to do as they please; we all here for a reason, yet it does not give another the right to over power by knowledge, to dictate and scrutinise how another should live, when we all meant to be advisers of each other.

I believe myself that a free and just world is one where everything lives, just as we were given life to live:

- All weopans/artilliary banned from production and possession.
- Ban abortions so people can live, because if it were'nt meant to happen the nature of life wouldn't fertilize the egg in the first place.
- Ban suicide worldwide; you live as you are meant, with natural remedies for the body cures required.
- Eating meat banned so the animals can live, and dairy banned due to the sufferation they suffer.
- Money eradicated, everything free; inventories made free, work for free, feed for free(like shepards look after there flock);
- declassify all religions and have one world wide multi ethnic faith, where everyone believe and learn of God from each other, subtracting the oppression of religion and confusion of many, i.e. faith books are all history revealed in sectors.

Many of the things that is paradise and is not the present really, but if we as a worldwide nation don't make a stance from everything bad and destructive, and focus on all that is good, then how will this world get better.


A brawl kicks off between two groups, another group is incited to join; tensions rising as the fued gets larger, yet in the beginning if a group refrained from retaliation, did what was better; discuss or turn your back, then the wiser would be no injuries, or possible deaths, and no more ifs and buts of shouldn't have.

From what i see, all you above seem very intellectual individuals, but generally all, what do you actually think of the state of living in a political world as it is today?

This topic has truely made me interested to seek more insight into the values of freedom and obstructions, as these 2 values majorly sicken me about politics.
But what do you think?
If the way of life were down to me, i would live, in the honour of all good, and hope equality means equality, those who can help, help those can't help themselves, and apportion finance(in my eyes would be donations) amongst reasonable causes.


Any reply most appreciated.

xx Bless xx

Last edited by pureliving on Sun Mar 08, 2009 8:13 am; edited 1 time in total 
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 10:51 pm Reply with quote

inews3. lol.

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 11:16 pm Reply with quote

Well, as I was reading this I was trying to decide whether it was for real. Then as I got toward the end I saw your added post with the ROTFL. I do not understand if you are now saying it's all a joke, or what?
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 11:22 pm Reply with quote

pardon me friend.
The inews3 presidency campaign i laugh about.

My opinions above i strongly believe.

xx Bless xx
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 11:55 pm Reply with quote

No money, no weapons, no meat? Maybe ideal in your world, but in a free world, there will be someone who will disagree with you. Who will agree to give up these items? And who would force them if they did not comply? Good luck living in the real world Smile

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 11:57 pm Reply with quote

EVADERS, idealogically. Wink

PostPosted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 11:58 pm Reply with quote

Greed amongst people thats what destroys possibility.

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 07, 2009 12:01 am Reply with quote

Thats just a question though. If we gave up these things, in any way, we wouldnt have the ability to ask why. To not question is to deny to truth. That world wouldnt be much less like the world today, crime would still occur, as would hate, but we wouldnt question it. Knowledge isnt too far short of being greedy, why ask why?
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 07, 2009 12:07 am Reply with quote

REVELATION AND REDEMPTION, however seen to happen, we make it ourselves by the way we live individually.
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 07, 2009 3:16 am Reply with quote

This post seems to be getting very deep for something Raven posted as a joke.
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 07, 2009 6:01 am Reply with quote

pureliving, I agree with jakec. Maybe you didn't realize it was an American election year joke? If you want, I can split this thread out to a new one if you would just give me the title that you would want it to have.

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 07, 2009 9:43 am Reply with quote

Please title it: "Stream of partially conscious thoughts from a Panama City sailor-wanna-hump-hump bar" Smile

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 07, 2009 11:10 am Reply with quote

Freedom and Obstruction, seems the most suitable name.

MONTEGO, from above:

The inews3 presidency campaign i laugh about.

KGUSKE, freedom of speech and thoughts, no need for sarcasm on ideaology.
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 07, 2009 11:31 am Reply with quote

Three things I never try to debate, politics, religion... and anything my wife says... worship

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 07, 2009 11:54 am Reply with quote

NUKEN, Don't you get inquisitive at all at all the different authorities in the world and how they effect our lives, and the way in which they use us in all their daily practices, statistics, surveillance and operations; majority of the time for being in focus of accomplishing their own goals? ? ? ? ? ? ?

PostPosted: Sat Mar 07, 2009 12:08 pm Reply with quote

As long as my paycheck shows up in my checking account when they are supposed to and my debt card works at WalMart, I will remain a member of the silent majority. If someone wants to have surveillance on me, I would suggest they drink a lot of coffee and have a very comfortable chair to watch me from. It will be a very boring and fruitless endeavor on their part. Besides, I only have control of certain things in life. Those things that I do not have control over, I leave to God to handle.

PostPosted: Sat Mar 07, 2009 4:33 pm Reply with quote

pureliving, you have your wish. I have split this thread out to its own.

Edited: here is the original thread from whence this came:


PostPosted: Sat Mar 07, 2009 4:43 pm Reply with quote

I guess there is no freedom for (attempts at) humor. Is that only allowed with repressive governments and / or military regimes?

No, mine was not an attempt at sarcasm - just expressing my confusion, freely, if I may. If anything thing in this topic made sense, I could determine whether or not I agreed with it, but honestly, there are more useful ways to spend an afternoon...

PostPosted: Sun Mar 08, 2009 12:21 am Reply with quote

nuken wrote:
...and my debt card works at WalMart...

I knew debit stood for something. Smile

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 08, 2009 12:50 am Reply with quote

Not sure I understood that post fully but it does sound like a contradiction of terms? You want freedom yet you want to impose your beliefs on the world?

So is that freedom just for you but noone else? I can't eat meat cause you think it's wrong? hmm interesting.

As for the other things like everything free, work for free, etc. That sounds great in idea but will humans still strive as hard if there is no measure for success? I mean money and the ability to have finer things motivate some people to work harder to acheive them. If everyone is granted the exact same house food clothes etc. What really is the point of putting in an 80 hour work week when I get to have mansion with big screen plasmas in everyroom all for nothing?
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 08, 2009 1:33 am Reply with quote

Well a simple answer would be to put things back to the way they were meant to be. I wont try to tell you that I believe this is the way things were meant to be, but, instead how things seem to be meant to be.

Basically, with those who cam before us, let use the natives as an example. There were those who fought for their land, and fought to be better than they were, only to preserve their freedom for the next generation. They can tell you working 80+ hours a week is not a lost cause, because everyone in their village would have gained from it, and it would have been self-motivating..

But then there were those who would rather kill and pillage, gaining little if nothing of substainable value, while in return keeping it all to themselves. In the end, it's hard to see who really won that battle.

Look at it this way, we took the land from them, now it's being taken from us, in some way or another. But did we not deserve that punishment?

Moral of the story is, you work for your family, and if were all family and working together, we all work for eachother, to make the world a better place for each and every child to come. But there will always be those that want to work for only themselves and take and take but give nothing in return, but we are only man and shall not judge them for we probably didnt/wont/arent trying to help them understand that what they do isnt ever going to help anyone.

Forgive me for dragging on, the heats getting to me.

PostPosted: Sun Mar 08, 2009 7:51 am Reply with quote


Moral of the story is, you work for your family, and if were all family and working together, we all work for eachother, to make the world a better place for each and every child to come. But there will always be those that want to work for only themselves and take and take but give nothing in return, but we are only man and shall not judge them for we probably didnt/wont/arent trying to help them understand that what they do isnt ever going to help anyone.


Maybe a free world is unthinkable for many, but i have analysed and looked into many ways round this debate, although realistically is not something that happens at present or will happen any time soon, i argue not that logic.

I do know basically whence we came a civilisation, we were asked by choice to help each other, with it being a top moral.
Strategically thinking, inventories are wit of ability, to make it needs helpers, to want it requires some agreement; food requires farmers, to eat requires agreement, etc.
I know alot of people think i am obsurd with my opinions, whereas i just have a hope and desire for us all to be united as we should, although far from achievable presently; but how will we achieve to good if we show no examples of good.

I am sorry if at points i seem arrogant, its the pressures of bad that makes me stronger to want reconciliation, amicable agreements, comprising, compromising, sharing, trust, honesty etc.

Raven helped me realise now that for every good requires a condition, but its the conditions of good that confuses the minds of people, to interpretate whatever into bad. However inevitable of stopping, the focusness on the good around us and within us, is what i do feel can help this world, if we are willing to help.

Just as you all help many for free, in particular webmastery yeah, thats what i call good; its the strength of these factors i believe is what makes everyone as a community stronger.

xx Bless xx
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