NukeSentinel™ User Guide - Version 2.2.2

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NukeSentinel™ Administration (Sub-Menu)


NukeSentinel™ Administration - Page 4

Administrative Settings

Admin Auth
The menu choices are as follows:

Enabling Admin Auth:
All admin passwords must be set before activating HTTPAuth or CGIAuth.

On - Requires that a secondary Authentication occur when
accessing your admin.php pages.(Dual Login)

Off - (Default) Disables the requirement that secondary Authentication occur when accessing your admin.php pages.

.htaccess Path:
This is the path to your .htaccess file relative to your root directory. If your server runs Apache AND you define the .htaccess path here AND you set the configuration for one or more of the blockers to use .htaccess, NukeSentinel™ will add blocked IP addresses to both your database and the .htaccess file. Otherwise, NukeSentinel™ will add blocked IP addresses only to the database. The normal relative path (the default value) for this box is usually /home/YOURSITE/public_html/.htaccess .

.staccess Path:
If your server is running PHP compiled as a CGI module, you can use the .staccess path in addition to the .htaccess file to protect your admin.php from unauthorized access, and write blocked IP addresses to the .htaccess file.
The normal relative path (the default value) for this box is usually /home/YOURSITE/public_html/.staccess .

NOTE: Here you will see the link to "CGIAuth Setup" Copy the following text into your .htaccess file and save it to the root directory.

# -------------------------------------------
# Start of NukeSentinel(tm) admin.php Auth
# -------------------------------------------
<Files >
deny from all

<Files admin.php>
require valid-user
AuthName "Restricted by NukeSentinel(tm)"
AuthType Basic
# -------------------------------------------
# End of NukeSentinel(tm) admin.php Auth
# -------------------------------------------

Crypt Salt:
This will be the encryption 'salt' key. This can be any two (2) characters, including numbers and punctuation.

Admin Contacts:
Here you can specify e-mail address(es) where notifications will be sent whenever NukeSentinel™ blocks an IP address. For multiple addresses, please enter one email address per line.

On certain pages you will see this image: Copy Image.
Click on it, and it will copy the text in the box above it into your clipboard. Then you can PASTE it in to your editor.

NOTE:  The copy to clipboard feature only works for Internet Explorer based browsers.
Mozilla browser types must copy & paste manually.

Last Updated: June 19, 2005 by: Steph Benoit (64bitguy)
User Guide ©

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