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Sun Jul 09, 2006 8:33 am |
True - but I'm not interested in doing that work. Others are welcome to do that, of course. I just don't see much value in it. |
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Sat Jul 15, 2006 8:33 am |
No more thoughts on this? I'd like to gauge interest in processing further with this. Are you interested in these features, don't care, or want more / other features? |

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Sat Jul 15, 2006 8:50 am |
Interested. I think most of us are just waiting patiently for the release.  |
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Sat Jul 15, 2006 8:58 am |
Kguske, I second the motion about "waiting patiently for the release". I just re-read the list of features and am just astounded! These are all the features and more that I have wanted for years. Can't wait to see the improved admin GUI. That is my biggest gripe. I need/want to be able to manage my users (and wish even forum and NSN groups) from ONE gui and be able to do it quickly. This looking up a user's username one by one is for the birds.
Sure hope this thing can actually get out... I have given up so many times on this 5.0.0 release, but you keep giving me hope...  |
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Sat Jul 15, 2006 9:46 am |
kguske, If you couldnt tell, INTEREST couldnt be higher.
I cant wait for the realease to test it and work with it, would love to see how this is all implemented. |
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Sat Jul 15, 2006 9:46 am |
I too would love to see it finished and working. I'm not concerned about the URL Guardian bit (ooh that name rings a bell) but I guess with all of us being swamped with various 'things' it is going to take time before any progress is made.
Having said that, I think we could make progress perhaps a little quicker than simply waiting for the originating author(s) to come back on stream. |

Sun Jun 24, 2007 3:15 pm |
Wanted to restart this thread with something that might be useful for several reasons:
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OpenID is a simplified method for authenticating users - "a global single-signon" - without requiring email confirmation. Some open source tools are already integrating it, and there is a [url]bounty[/url] for adding it to major open source projects (sadly, Nuke isn't on the list). Some developers claim to have it Only registered users can see links on this board! Get registered or login!.
Thoughts? |

Mon Jun 25, 2007 9:26 pm |
Bump. I've been reading about this for about a month now. I like this idea and would love to see it in Nuke. I think more and more websites will be turning to this type of alternative authentication. |
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Thu Jul 24, 2008 5:51 am |
I'm slightly concerned about this.
I haven't read too much about the specifics of how it works etc, but presumably if someone obtained you OpenID then they would be able to access every site you use that is using OpenID.
Obviously places like banks wouldn't use this, but places like MySpace and Facebook contain a lot of personal information. There has already been concerns that social networkings sites could lead to an increase in identity theft, perhaps this could make it even easier.
In principal the idea is good, but I just think there needs to be a bit of caution. |

Thu Jul 24, 2008 11:18 am |
Definitely understand the concern. There are multiple levels of OpenID support. For example, MySpace recently announced support, but they will only allow OpenID accounts created via MySpace, and, I believe, only provide authentication (i.e. not necessary any other personal information) to other OpenID sites. |

Thu Jul 24, 2008 1:05 pm |
MySpace is an odd case, if every website did this surely it defeats the object of OpenID.  |

Thu Jul 24, 2008 1:10 pm |
Right - that's the complaint many have. But the point is that you can support authentication (i.e. single sign-on) without giving away the private information you've collected, or receiving it from other sites). |

Thu Oct 30, 2008 2:28 pm |

Thu Oct 30, 2008 2:59 pm |
That will probably be the initial model for most adopters, and it will likely change as the companies become more experienced with it. |

Thu Oct 30, 2008 3:34 pm |
Just reviewing the original list with what was implemented in RNYA, there are a few outstanding enhancements (excluding those that we won't do):
* MIME html/plaintext mail handling
* Automatic timezone detection
* Easier configurable dateformat
* Improved userinfo pages
* DNS domain verification applied to the email at registration
* Improved password-lost functions
* Option to re-request required fields at login (nuke fields and extra fields)
* Gender and birthday fields (optional)
* Optional automatic PM on registration
And a few other possible tweaks:
* OpenID integration
* Autocomplete function (optional and required) (this is already working, but needs additional tweaking before it can be released)
* Add flickr, Google Picasa photo gallery integration on user profile page
* Improvements / clarifications to approved, denied, suspended user functions
* New custom field types (e.g. social IDs like MySpace, facebook, etc., with links)
* templates for user profile page?
* convert JS to jQuery and jQuery UI for template integration
What else? |

Thu Oct 30, 2008 4:55 pm |
Did you have anything specific in mind to use for the flickr / Picassa gallery? I only ask because I think I have a php Class in my toolbox somewhere which I had intended to use to replace the CA_Gallery module.
Anything else, hmm...
I would like to some integration with NSN Groups - wouldn't it be cool to have a jQuery dataset and be able to just drag the username over to the group you want to add them to.
Maybe I shouldn't have said that
Account denied - maybe when a registration is denied we could add the username/email to a DB blacklist, with the option to block mail domain or just that specific account.
I don't know about anyone else but if I come across a domain I haven't seen before and suspect it might be one of the sites that offers freebie mail or some other 'undesirable' it would be nice to be able to click that email address and get taken to the site (obfuscating the referring url a little - new window?).
I'm really struggling to find things as it already offers so much. |

Thu Oct 30, 2008 5:13 pm |
I saw the phpFlickr class, but I was thinking of jQuery JS that handles it.
AJAX group selection - agreed. But I'm not sure how much that would get used.
Love the idea to ask to block domain - that would be VERY useful I think. It should be either on deny / delete or even on active accounts. |

Thu Oct 30, 2008 5:28 pm |
kguske wrote: | Love the idea to ask to block domain - that would be VERY useful I think. It should be either on deny / delete or even on active accounts. |
I agree, there are probably a few places it would want to be available as there are so many setup options. |

Thu Oct 30, 2008 5:36 pm |
Exactly. Good reason for a function that can be used wherever desired. |