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Joined: Jun 15, 2006
Posts: 21
Wed Jun 21, 2006 5:03 am |
I have the latest version of RavenNuke installed and working okay.
I have enables signatures in my forum config but when you go to your account either from the modules link or via profile in forums there is no block to put your signature in????
I have all the settings correct as far as i am aware.
However if I go into forum config and edit a user from there I can add a sig. I run a gaming clan site and do not want to have to do this for everyone who wants one.
Any ideas ??? |
Site Admin

Joined: Jun 04, 2004
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Wed Jun 21, 2006 5:58 am |
The your account signature edit did not correctly store the signature for use with phpBB. The forum profile maintenance does. It may have been removed for this reason, but I am not certain. |
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Wed Jun 21, 2006 10:26 am |
Looking into this in more depth my original post is incorrect. If you use the YOUR ACCOUNT module you can see the block to add your sig however through FORUM and then PROFILE there is no box for signature.
If I go to my admin panel and into forums from there I can go to User Admin and add their sig myself but I do not want to do that for all my users, because it is a clan site there will be alot of users wanting sigs. |

Wed Jun 21, 2006 7:03 pm |
Very strange. I'll take a look on my test site to see. You are able to maintain a signature throught the Your Account module, and it's used in the Forums, but on older versions of Nuke it wouldn't always display the HTML correctly if it were maintained in Your Account. Have you tested it that way? |
Site Admin

Joined: Aug 28, 2003
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Location: Ha Noi, Viet Nam
Wed Jun 21, 2006 7:17 pm |
Can you just confirm that in the Forum Configuration it has 'allow signatures' as yes? |

Thu Jun 22, 2006 2:08 am |
If you input your sig through MY ACCOUNT as you quite rightly say it does not display the HTML correctly, all you get at the bottom of your posts is ...
To correct this I have to go into admin forums and edit the user, remove the sig, save it, edit again, save it and then it works.
Allow Signatures is enabled in forum configuration Guardian ....
I have also noticed that if you use the quote option to quote someones post it does not display the HTML correctly either ....
Is this a general problem or is it just me, also the sig thing, is it just me that has the problem ???? |

Thu Jun 22, 2006 5:29 am |
The problem is not relalated to Raven Nuke.
The problem you are experiencing is due to either;
1. You have made modifications to your forum file incorrectly
2. Some file when uploaded were corrupted
If you register as a new user everything is working and appearing fine (in terms of account options/setings etc).
If you then go to the forums and click 'profile' in the forum header, this takes you to the forum profile page.
Under the heading "This information will be publicly viewable" everything seems fine until you get to INTERESTS: then below this is another row showing just a colon ( : ).
Under the 'Preferences' section there are 2 more fields like this.
You will need to review the modifications you have done to the Raven Nuke distribution especially those that pertain to the Attachment Mod and go through the install step by step again.
FYI I would not recommend the installation of anything that allows remote file uploads as this may compromise your system and leave you open to security vulnerabilities. |

Thu Jun 22, 2006 7:26 am |
Guardian2003 wrote: | The problem is not relalated to Raven Nuke.
The problem you are experiencing is due to either;
1. You have made modifications to your forum file incorrectly
2. Some file when uploaded were corrupted
If you register as a new user everything is working and appearing fine (in terms of account options/setings etc).
If you then go to the forums and click 'profile' in the forum header, this takes you to the forum profile page.
Under the heading "This information will be publicly viewable" everything seems fine until you get to INTERESTS: then below this is another row showing just a colon ( : ).
Under the 'Preferences' section there are 2 more fields like this.
You will need to review the modifications you have done to the Raven Nuke distribution especially those that pertain to the Attachment Mod and go through the install step by step again.
FYI I would not recommend the installation of anything that allows remote file uploads as this may compromise your system and leave you open to security vulnerabilities. |
TYVM you are indeed correct. I did a test on another URL and it all seems fine. I have not modded RavenNuke as such but what I have done is import some forum tables from my old database so I did not lose things, would this cause these symptoms??? |

Thu Jun 22, 2006 7:38 am |
Yes it may but there must be some code changes in the files themselves to display those fields in the profile page.
It might be that those additional fields are just throwing things out of wack so...
You'll have to humour me for as long as this takes to do....
Find in your local copy of the files for the RN distro and upload all the fisubice theme files
Check on the server if you have the subSilver forum templates in
If not upload them.
I am thinking at the moment that there may be some pre-existing modifications to the current theme/template files and this will help me narrow down whether it is this or the table fields (or both). |

Thu Jun 22, 2006 8:48 am |
Hey Guardian
I have done what you asked and it has made no difference. The tables in question were imported from PHP-Platinum. |

Thu Jun 22, 2006 9:09 am |
I was not able to change my account theme so I presume you removed the files again.
If you changed your account main nuke them to fisubice and the forum profile to subSilver with no change appearing for those filds on th page then it must be those extra table fields that are causing the problem.
You could back up the table affected (data and structure) and then simply remove those fields but if you have imported a table structure from Platinum, you are going to have to compare every single table if you have not done so already to ensure these are the only ones affected. |

Thu Jun 22, 2006 9:33 am |
No I have not removed the fisubice theme???
I have just gone into admin/preferences and set the theme to fisubice and everything works fine but when I change back to my theme it goes wrong again???
I imported this theme from platinum and had issues with the blocks on the right which I fixed so is there a cure for this or some tables I have missed??? |

Thu Jun 22, 2006 9:39 am |
That confirms my original thoughts then, it is theme related.
Your theme should have a folder called 'forums' if you can zip that up and post a link here I will take a look as soon as I can.
kguske - oops, sorry didn't mean to hijack the thread  |

Thu Jun 22, 2006 11:47 am |
Guardian2003 wrote: | That confirms my original thoughts then, it is theme related.
Your theme should have a folder called 'forums' if you can zip that up and post a link here I will take a look as soon as I can.
kguske - oops, sorry didn't mean to hijack the thread |
Many Many thanks Guardian, would this also cause the problem with quoting someone as when I do this it does not quote but shows the coding instead ... ie ... [quote] etc etc etc
The link to the rar forum files is.....
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AGain Many thx for this ..  |

Thu Jun 22, 2006 3:28 pm |
You can confirm it yourself by using the default fisubice theme - but yes, it could very well be the theme that is at fault since I suspect it was coded for nuke Plaitinum and its many many added features. |

Fri Jun 23, 2006 9:16 am |
Hey Guardian, I managed to find fiblack3d that had not been modded for Platinum as the one I have has. It claimed it was for 6.5+ ..
I installed and activated it and all I got was a white screen, I had to edit the config table in admin to change the theme back ???? |

Fri Jun 23, 2006 9:37 am |
It might be that as that theme is quite old it needs a couple of tweaks.
If you have your local copy of Reaven Nuke in the Patched File readme file it explains some really simple, small modifications.
I am unable to give you the exact data as I am not at my normal PC right now but a forum search for 'missing right blocks' might find what you need.. |

Mon Jun 26, 2006 1:24 pm |
Guardian2003 wrote: | It might be that as that theme is quite old it needs a couple of tweaks.
If you have your local copy of Reaven Nuke in the Patched File readme file it explains some really simple, small modifications.
I am unable to give you the exact data as I am not at my normal PC right now but a forum search for 'missing right blocks' might find what you need.. |
Hmm, I looked at a standard install of RavenNuke and even on that the quotes do not work, all I see is the coding, any ideas ??? |
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Joined: Aug 29, 2004
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Location: Arizona
Tue Jun 27, 2006 6:06 am |

Tue Jun 27, 2006 7:42 am |
TYVM Montego, this has now resolved my problem ..  |

Tue Jun 27, 2006 8:12 pm |