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Joined: Apr 22, 2006
Posts: 356
Fri Jan 12, 2007 2:43 pm |
ok, two diff. sites. Both runing 2.02.02
One site, for some reason when logged into the site as god admin and as a user, when you go to your account, instead of it showing the "this is your personal page" that has the nav menu for your info, your home, your messages and such, I get a page that says, "personal information:usernamehere". If I am only logged in as a user then I get the correct page when going to "your account".
I have removed the your account module and re-uploaded it from the distro download. I had added goups and ip tracking. If I remove the user from the groups it still does not go to the correct page.
When I look in the url bar, it shows that instead of just going to [url]account.html [/url] it is actually doing this, [url]modules.php?name=Your_Account&op=userinfo&bypass=1&username=user%20name [/url]
now on site two, i have been trying to add an additional input box to the registration for. I have added this code Only registered users can see links on this board! Get registered or login!
I would have pasted it here, but I always get banned when i try to past code, even using the code tags. I have no idea what I do wrong, but it happens.
Anyhow, when I added the two lines of code, and try to register, I get an error that the module is not active, i checked several times to ensure that it was, i deactivated the your account module, reactivated it, all I could think of. The registration is all that would give that error. I could login, go to your account and everything else seemed to be working ok.
Any help is much appreciated. |
_________________ Kevin Kappes |
Former Moderator in Good Standing

Joined: Aug 30, 2005
Posts: 3312
Location: near Albany NY
Fri Jan 12, 2007 4:40 pm |
I'm wondering if you might have a cookie based problem. Are the site urls set correctly and separately for these two sites or is it possible you might have cloned them to start with. If you look at cookies in your browser do you see separate ones for each site.
As to the code, do you have any post logic and did you do database changes to go with it. Having it on the form is not going to do anything for you if you didn't. (Sorry if that's obvious to you but I had to start somewhere). I'm thinking that there could be an error in your code that is causing the module not active message but there's not much to go on from here. |

Fri Jan 12, 2007 4:56 pm |
I will check the cookies.
As for the code, I am not real fluent in php, I simply copied the fields used for the username in the registration section and then I took the values from the user profile section and assign them to the new input boxes. If this makes since. So I did not think I would need to make any db changes. Not real sure about the post logic part. I did not change anything else.
Thanks. |

Sat Jan 13, 2007 1:13 pm |
I finally found what I was looking for at Nuke Cops. The only problem, once I make the modifications to the index file, I only get a white screen.
I have added these to my db:
ALTER TABLE nuke_users ADD COLUMN user_address
ALTER TABLE nuke_users ADD COLUMN user_city
ALTER TABLE nuke_users ADD COLUMN user_state
ALTER TABLE nuke_users ADD COLUMN user_zip
ALTER TABLE nuke_users ADD COLUMN user_country
ALTER TABLE nuke_users_TEMP ADD COLUMN user_city
ALTER TABLE nuke_users_TEMP ADD COLUMN user_state
Then I followed these instructions:
Line 34
// Add any new $Variables for new Registration fields
// function userCheck($username, $user_newfield, $user_newfield2 .......) (
Line 43
// Add New $Variable Lines, define ._NEWFIELD2LONG. in Your_Account/Language file
// if (strlen($Variable) > 35) $stop = "<center>"._NEWFIELD2LONG."</center>";
Line 71
// Add new variables to function confirmNewUser
// function confirmNewUser($username, $user_newfield, $user_newfield2 ......etc ) {
Line 82
// Add new variables to: userCheck($username, $user_newfield, $user_newfield2 .....etc );
// Must be the same variables as function userCheck on Line 34
Line 121
// Add Line for each new field and variable
// ."<tr><td><b>"._NEWFIELD.":</b> $user_newfield<br></td></tr>"
Line 132
// Add Line for each Variable
// ."<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"user_newfield\" value=\"$user_newfield\">"
Line 154
// Add new variables to: function finishNewUser($username,
$user_newfield, $user_newfield2 .....etc ) (
Line 162
// Add new variables to: userCheck($username, $user_newfield, $user_newfield2 .....etc );
// Must be the same variables as function userCheck on Line 34 & 82
Line 183
// Add for each variable:
// $variable = check_html($user_newfield, nohtml);
Line 193
// Include Variables in the INSERT command
// INSERT INTO....._users_temp (user_id, user_newfield...etc) VALUES
(NULL, '$username', '$user_newfield'...etc)");
Line 229
// Include Variables in the INSERT command
// INSERT....".$user_prefix."_users (user_id, user_newfield .....etc)
VALUES (NULL, '$row[user_newfield]'.......etc)");
Line 291
// Add a New Line for each new field and variable
// if ($userinfo[user_newfield]) echo ""._NEWFIELD.": $userinfo
Line 589
// Add a New Line for each new field and variable
// if ($userinfo[user_newfield]) echo ""._NEWFIELD.": $userinfo[user_newfield]<br>\n";
Line 1131
// Add lines for each New Field and variable
// ."<tr><td bgcolor='$bgcolor2'><b>"._NEWFIELD.":</b><br>"._REQUIRED."</td>"
// ."<td bgcolor....etc name=\"user_newfield\"value=\"$userinfo[user_newfield]
Line 1301
// include $user_newfield variables: function saveuser($realname,
// Same order as case "saveuser": near the bottom of the page Line: 1756
$user_newfield, $user_newfield2........
Line 1353
// Add new fields to ("UPDATE .... name='$realname', newfield='$newfield' etc....
Line 1368
// Add new fields again to ("UPDATE .... name='$realname', newfield='$newfield' etc....
Line 1321
// Add for each new $user_newfield:
// $user_newfield = check_html($user_newfield, nohtml);
Line 1716
// add new $user_newfield variables to list for registration fields
// keep order the same throughout functions and cases to avoid any confusion
// confirmNewUser($username, $user_newfield, $user_newfield2......etc
Line 1724
// add new $user_newfield variables to list for registration fields once more
// finishNewUser($username, $user_newfield, $user_newfield2......etc
Line 1749
// add new $user_newfield variables to list for users information fields
// keep order the same throughout functions and cases to avoid any confusion
// saveuser($username, $user_newfield, $user_newfield2......etc
The line #'s are a bit diff.of course.
I have a copy of my index file Only registered users can see links on this board! Get registered or login!.
I have checked it a couple times against the file included in the mod but just do not see the error. All changes are marked.
Any help is much appreciated.
Thanks. |

Sat Jan 13, 2007 1:24 pm |
In all likelihood you are looking at a SQL errror, probably caused by having the wrong number of fields (aka columns) in a SQL statement. Unfortunately Nuke doesn't give much information about SQL errors ... you see a white screen and that's about it. You can modify mysql.php in the db directory to report the error statement and the sql that generates it.
I hate to say this, but unless you are reasonably proficient at SQL and PHP I would recommend against modifying the base Nuke distribution you are working with. Your Account is a known problem area and we'd all like to be able to add fields more easily and without risk of having the programs "blow up" on us but once you start modifying them you really are on your own. It could take someone a couple of hours to dig thru your modified index.php and even if they did, without access to phpmyadmin and all the changes you've made they might have a hard time fixing the problem. You might want to just go back to the base 2.02 distribution for the time being ... tables and programs. |

Sun Jan 14, 2007 9:42 am |