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Joined: Jun 08, 2007
Posts: 54
Fri Jun 08, 2007 2:55 pm |
Well, hahahahaha....good news is I successfully upgraded from RN 2.02 to 2.10......i think.....
the bad news is one can log into my brother's site now....BAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I'm so evil! No, serious though, the log in block and modules aren't working. They were, the day I upgraded but then the next, now...I am trying to figure out if it is a compatibility issue with RN2.10 or is there something wrong within my config code...
lastly, the funniest thing..clearchat wont work anymore as well as it showing up under "admin" block like 5 times....i've even deleted the folder in both modules as well as blocks...was there an upgraded 2.10 that i did not install?
thanks for any help.... |

Fri Jun 08, 2007 4:54 pm |
er....i just fixed the log in but clearchat is still showing up 6 times under admin.
so far, i am not having much problems with this new's fairly awesome! |
Former Moderator in Good Standing

Joined: Aug 30, 2005
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Location: near Albany NY
Fri Jun 08, 2007 5:13 pm |
I don't have time tonight to look at this in detail but:
-- there is code in /admin/modules/modules.php that reads the /modules directory and presents each directory found there in modules administration.
-- in addition your modules table could possibly have extraneous entries
Having said that I'm thinking that you might want to take a quick look at the modules table in phpmyadmin. It almost sounds like you might have duplicate entries for clearchat there. You really can't have duplicate directory entries (tic #1 above, the file system wouldn't permit that. If you have duplicate entries you probably could delete the extra ones. After backing up of course.
The logic for how modules were recognized was changed a bit in rn2.10 but mainly that was to centralize it to /admin/modules/modules.php. I can't see how that could cause your problem. |

Fri Jun 08, 2007 5:19 pm |
hello fkelly (just finishing up uplaoding Rkelly..hahaha..sorry)....
These are the troubleshooting steps I have performed on my end:
I have looked into the modules and clearchat was removed.
I have looked into Blocks, the same...
I am in the database now and neither the tables/db for clearchat are present (they are one after another one being ccerror...other I can't remember)....
The only thing I can think of is, somewhere in my ?mainfile? is not refreshing? still thinks that clearchat is still there and not recognizing that I have deleted the programs/folders/removed blocks/modules...etc? Could this be possible?
Thanks for your heads up though...i'll check make sure. |

Fri Jun 08, 2007 5:33 pm |
Well if you look at your filesystem and there is no /modules/clearchat and you look at your modules table thru phpmyadmin and there is no clearchat module, then something very strange is going on. I gotta call it a night but maybe someone else can help. If you have coding skills and a test system you can see where the modules directory is read in that program I referred you to earlier and maybe put some echoes in to track what's happening. I'd double and even triple check the modules table first though. |

Fri Jun 08, 2007 5:34 pm |
read next post |
Last edited by kittyprrrs on Sat Jun 09, 2007 7:09 am; edited 1 time in total |

Fri Jun 08, 2007 6:46 pm |
read next post |
Last edited by kittyprrrs on Sat Jun 09, 2007 7:09 am; edited 1 time in total |

Fri Jun 08, 2007 10:10 pm |
nope....can't....I guess I will just have to fix from this point on if there is fixing.
So, here are my NEW problems:
1. Login upper left corner, will allow login but there is no "submit" button or "login" button.
-Dunno how to fix this one...just a blank area where a "button" should be.
2. user info block has login but goes to a blank page upon submit with error "Your_account>line 1050"
- edited config.php (no go). Still not fixing the problem.
3. Login does not display security code. Just a blank box with the words "security code" and the box to enter it into.
-GD is installed with Freetype support enabled.
3. When I try to add "SPChat" under "add a new block" there is no "CREATE NOW" or even a "ADD NEW BLOCK" button...odd....
-SPChat is showing up in modules, just can't add the block under "blocks".
4. Clearchat is still showing up under my Admin block (ahahahahahaha! pulling my hair out!).
-I've checked all my entries so far and I don't see any funky stuff.
5. I wonder if I need to upgrade anything else? I was running Distro 2.02 before this and have gone straight to 2.10.01. Did I miss something before all this? I see a "phpNuke7.6_docs (with upgrades)" and "PatchLevel3.3_Docs"....I wonder if I was supposed to upgrade from (don't recall what phpNuke came with 2.02) my old version to the current? I remember something about that...just can't recall all the steps but want to check before doing a friend set me up initially with all the upgrades....
Thanks, I'll keep a log of all my "boo boos" and post them and beg (I even do tricks! ok...i've officially lost it!) mercy upon the PHP Gods!
******I've completely re-installed after full deletion of the site and starting from scratch. I now have a few problems that I do hope someone can point me down the right path.
this is my new post for the fresh "install"...thanks*********** |