Site Admin/Owner

Joined: Aug 27, 2002
Posts: 17088
Wed Jul 06, 2005 12:30 am |
On behalf of all the staff, we welcome you here! These forums (and the site in general) is here to hopefully help you get the answers that you need in a timely manner and without fear of embarrassment when asking that 'noobie' question
Absolutely NO posting of other Web Hosting companies! These posts are considered **SPAM** and will be removed. A second offense will result in banning.
To avoid posting repeat questions, we ask that you first review the following items. It may save you time and the staff anxiety over seeing the same question over and over and over again
Only registered users can see links on this board! Get registered or login!
Only registered users can see links on this board! Get registered or login!
Only registered users can see links on this board! Get registered or login!
Only registered users can see links on this board! Get registered or login!
Then, if you still haven't found the answer to your question(s), review the forum Announcements and Sticky notes in the forum(s) where you believe your post most logically fits.
Last, but certainly not least, Please use the forum Only registered users can see links on this board! Get registered or login! function to look for answers to questions.
Now for some general rules of order and conduct:
- Do NOT PM the staff here to expedite your post! That's the best way to be ignored at most sites. You've been warned
- Obviously there are times when discussing security issues that you will need to PM the staff. Those are acceptable.
- Make the subject/title of your post meaningful. A subject like I have a problem, HELP or something similar, is likely to be skipped over by most people. Think about it - Why else would you be posting here ?
- Do NOT cross post. One thread per subject - period.
- Do not over-react to replies. We have a diverse staff (nations) with different natural languages. Please remember this when you think you read a 'tone' in the reply. Written words are most easily understood when just taken at face value .
- We know that your question is the only question that matters ! But, when there are 10 new questions out there, then we have 10 priorities. We will get to all of them eventually, with few exceptions. Please don't start adding comments and posts to your original post with remarks like 'Anyone out there?', 'BUMP', 'I guess my question is not important', etc.
- It is acceptable to BUMP a message that has gone a few days with no answer and has scrolled off the page.
- Try to keep the posts on topic. If you see the thread is heading off, please start another thread in an appropriate forum and post a link in the original thread.
- Be as thorough as possible with needed details. This will avoid needless posts from those responding asking for more info. For example, wherever possible, post a url to your site. As they say, a picture is worth 2 needless posts! Include your nuke version and server software (Apache or something else).
- Understand that our goal is to help you navigate to a solution but not necessarily to do it. If you need a very detailed response because you are totally non-technical, then request the level of detail required to get you where you are going. If you are expecting someone to actually write the code for you, then consider an offer of recompense and state your willingness to donate.
- Our readers here are very alert and watchful for abuses. If we detect or are told of an abuse, we will weigh the abuse and respond accordingly. I have never had to ban anyone here for there honest opinions. A few have just refused to be civil and are no longer welcome here. We have certain forums where opinions and debates are welcomed and encouraged. Remember to debate the issues and not attack the person. Passion is understandable for certain subjects/topics. I encourage that! But, remember that the purpose of a debate is not to make someone agree with you. It's more to explain why you believe what you believe.
- Share your solutions with us should you figure it out before anyone responds. Don't just post something like Never mind - I figured it out. In other words, as they say, give back to the community
- Do not hijack other people's posts/threads. If someone is already helping a person, do not jump in unless you have a very good reason, like the thread has gone idle and is still unanswered.
- When responding to someone's question, do not guess. If you aren't sure of what the answer is, please do not start guessing. It just clutters up the thread and can easily cause the person to make a mistake.
There are many things I could ramble on about, but I will stop now. I hope that you have sensed our willingness and desire to help everyone that comes here. Feel free to drop me a note if you know of anything else that would be helpful to new users to know that is not already in here.
Gaylen (aka Raven)
[Updated 2007-11-15] |
Last edited by Raven on Thu Nov 15, 2007 6:48 am; edited 1 time in total |