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New Member

Joined: Sep 20, 2003
Posts: 10
Sun May 28, 2006 5:50 am |
I am having a very bizzare problem with the right hand blocks not showing up in themes that show them by default using phpnuke 7.5.
I've just installed this distro of Raven's (Great work btw), but all of my older themes are having this issue with regards to right side blocks not being present, not only when the forums is used but also on the home page.
I did a search to try and find a resolution to this problem but the only thing that came close was this thread below and no resolution was found there either, so I need your help.
Can anyone tell me what I must do in order for these right hand side blocks to show up?
Any and all help would be appreciated.
BTW, when I use the themes that come with this distro, the right hand side blocks show up just fine. It is only with older themes that worked fine in 7.5 (showed the right hand side blocks as you expect), that are showing a problem in this distro.
Xeon |
_________________ Xeon |
Site Admin

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Sun May 28, 2006 6:05 am |
Yep, go to where you stored your Raven Nuke files on your PC, then look in the PatchLevel Docs  |

Sun May 28, 2006 7:23 am |
Theme Guru

Joined: Nov 01, 2003
Posts: 1006
Sun May 28, 2006 8:17 am |
Hangin' Around

Joined: May 28, 2006
Posts: 40
Sun May 28, 2006 11:09 am |
here is what you need to do to make right side blocks appear ( this what i did ) as outlined in chatserv's patch zip.
1. connect to your ftp go to your " theme" folder in your root. select the theme your using for your site and look for the " theme.php " file.
2. open the file so we can make 1 edit. ( fastest way is to download the file to your desktop) leave ur ftp open/up
3. now open the file from your desktop. in the upper left corner click on "edit" then in the drop down menu click " find "
4. in the " find what " box type the following
if ($index == 1) {
change it to
if (defined('INDEX_FILE')) {
5. save the file and upload it back to your theme folder.
your done enjoy.
( i didnt edit my modules. works fine for me ) |
Site Admin

Joined: Aug 29, 2004
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Location: Arizona
Tue May 30, 2006 7:12 am |

Tue May 30, 2006 5:21 pm |
Thanks shawn_himself & montego
This worked perfectly. |
Last edited by Xeon on Wed May 31, 2006 3:38 am; edited 2 times in total |

Tue May 30, 2006 8:15 pm |
that is the same thing that all of us told you to do from the first reply. We did not give you the spelled out answer as this has been asked and answered countless times in these forums. That is why we pointed you to the faq and search feature of the forums. A simple search for "no right blocks" or "right blocks" would have turned up your answer right away for you.
You know what they say, give a man a fish, feed him for a day. Teach him to fish and feed him forever. That holds true on forums as well. I am glad it worked out for you. |

Wed May 31, 2006 3:30 am |
No jaded, you would rather spend your time typing 60 words to flame a guy than to give him a straight answer. Here you are trying to tell me that I need to read and yet you didn't take the time to read my post. I stated I did do a search and the first 3 topics I read ended just like in the link I originally posted.
Do you think it does Raven's site and product a service by your vague generalities? It doesn't because people who do try to do a search all end up reading threads just like this one (and the ones I found via searching) of people loading over the individual asking questions just to make themselves appear & feel superior, acting as if you have something to teach anyone or not getting an answer at all.
If you have the answer to a problem then next time, give it. It does Raven a much better service as well as everyone else who does a search for a problem and who then can read through a thread for a solution and get the answer within the first couple posts instead of 30 posts of vague generalities.
Have a nice day |
Last edited by Xeon on Wed May 31, 2006 4:26 am; edited 2 times in total |
The Mouse Is Extension Of Arm

Joined: Feb 21, 2006
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Wed May 31, 2006 3:43 am |
| how in the world was what jaded said in the slightest offensive..I would have never takin it vague in the slightest because jadeds right...and people who CREATED the readme files were careful to put things of that nature in there and all jaded did was to point u in the right direction...explain to me somethin...if some1 asks a question and needs to know how to do one does that help u know exactly how to look for something and where to find the answers...i know for a fact that the ppl who moderate and admin these forums dont give titles out like theme guru(under jadeds name) lightly...if i were u id learn real fast that ppl ask questions already answered takes away time that could be used to answer other ppls questions that have never been answered but the truth is, jaded took the time to show u somethin and u spit back at em like it wasnt worth the time they spent on replying to not expert in anything on php-nuke and its ppl like jaded and others here that made me learn...i know how to search. i dont speak for this site...but as a member im offended that u would talk to anyone hear like that...u didnt barely insult anyone...u flat out insulted jaded and i personally will not ever answer any one of ur questions anylonger...this is my strand point...yes i knew the answer and yes i saw this post but no i didnt respond...u needed to search. but as of right now...ur on my do not answer list...no1 has ever made that list be4. hope u see that insulting some1 in these forums do not get overlooked by the members!!!
one more thing...look at the link u had the same solution listed in it...not only did u do a search for it...u overlooked the answer in the first states that they saw that code in the readme tried it but it didnt work for them...then later they found another issue..did u even try to solution that was presented to u in the first place? no, then u come back and insult some1..  |
_________________ For those who stand shall NEVER fall and those who fall shall RISE once more!! |

Wed May 31, 2006 4:11 am |
darklord, you just proved my point. You state yourself you knew the answer but didn't post, but yet here you are writing 200 words in retaliation to what I said above.
And for your information, jaded didn't receive a title 'Theme guru' that's done automatically based off the number of posts you make, vague or otherwise.
If you can't see what I'm saying is a reality here, that's fine. I'm done here.
Take care
BTW, jaded isn't the only one I'm talking about here, there are many senior people here doing this same thing as you can witness in many many posts. Not just the one I pointed out. It was very frustrating to sit here and spend a good amount of time reading through post after post looking for an answer to a problem, only to find the same kind of responses from senior people who have left users with no adequate answer to their problem. |

Wed May 31, 2006 5:24 am |
Quote: | darklord, you just proved my point. You state yourself you knew the answer but didn't post, but yet here you are writing 200 words in retaliation to what I said above. |
Darklord is absolutly correct. The answer was clearly provided for you. You didnt pay atttention. These things happen but the fact is that everyone needs to use search. I have to do it from time to time. Even if that means that I have to read 40 posts to get a solution. Yours was clearly written in countless places. It is not our duty to spew out the same answer again and again.IF you had stated that you HAD tried the fix that is in so many places but it didnt work any number of people would have helped you. The FACT is that you didn't bother. Dark is also correct that many, many people here knew that answer but felt that you had been given all of the needed info to help yourself.
Quote: | And for your information, jaded didn't receive a title 'Theme guru' that's done automatically based off the number of posts you make, vague or otherwise. |
You are incorrect there. That was a special title that was given to me. You could for instance post 400 answers and never have it. Just as I could post 1000 and never get some of the others. Please do not be so defensive of your position when any number of people here on the website would agree that they did not answer because we want people to learn to use the search, faq, and read me files. Just calm down and realize that sometimes you get what you want in life and other times you do not. For instance, I wont offer to help you again as you clearly have an issue with the way that I and others that I respect here give advice.
Quote: | If you can't see what I'm saying is a reality here, that's fine. I'm done here. |
This is of course clearly your choice. The fact is that it is a childish over reaction, in my opinion, to the situation.
Quote: | BTW, jaded isn't the only one I'm talking about here, there are many senior people here doing this same thing as you can witness in many many posts. Not just the one I pointed out. It was very frustrating to sit here and spend a good amount of time reading through post after post looking for an answer to a problem, only to find the same kind of responses from senior people who have left users with no adequate answer to their problem. |
You have the wrong idea about what a support forum is for. It is not to take everyone by the hand and help them make their world perfect. It is to help those we can and show them how to help themselves.
You are fond of mentioning that you found countless posts with the same as you call them "vaque" replies. Did it ever occur to you that if countless others had not posted the same question 200 time and had searched instead for the solution, there would not be all of those posts that request that people use search, read their read me files, or the sites FAQ????? It seems to me that if a person cannot be bothered trying to find an answer to a problem then they have no right to overly criticize others. You stated yourself that you did not want to read all those posts. Well, the faq and read me files were not hard to find.
At any rate, good luck to you and the others who feel as you do. I won't apologise for anything. I did my best to provide you a solution as did the others. The last post I made was actually meant for those people who would read this in the future to hopefully get the point across to them of the best places to look for a quick answer. It was not neccessarily meant for you.
Quote: | Posted: Tue May 30, 2006 7:21 pm
Thanks shawn_himself & montego
This worked perfectly.
funny how until today you saw no need to thank montego who had provided that link for you as well. You only did that today I guess you didn't want it to look as it did last night where you disregarded all of the rest of us besides shawn_himself who held your hand and took you to the answer  |

Wed May 31, 2006 6:13 am |
lmao, also just for kicks, It makes me laugh to no end that a simple search of your id pulls up a post from last december where YOU posted this exact same issue and solved it yourself!!! Had you done a search and read all answers, you would have found this
Quote: | Xeon
New Girl/Guy On The Block
Joined: Sep 20, 2003
Posts: 10
Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2005 4:44 pm
For some odd reason when I upgraded 7.5 to 7.6 (using chatserv patches etc) I now do not have right hand blocks on the entire site.
I know there is a place in one of the files which can control the blocks showing up or not but for the life of me I can't remember where. Is this normal for a 7.5 to 7.6 upgrade?
Can someone please indicate how I can correct this problem?
Thanks in advance for your reply,
New Girl/Guy On The Block
Joined: Sep 20, 2003
Posts: 10
Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2005 4:57 pm
NM folks, I found the solution!
This is usually the result of your theme not using the latest security feature(s)in the latest patches.
In your theme.php find:
if ($index == 1) {
and change to:
if (defined('INDEX_FILE')) {
Just proving a point is all. This was not neccessarily an attack on Xeon  |

Wed May 31, 2006 6:22 am |
i personally have to say this so anyone reading this will know...he stated in one of the post that he edited callin jaded "a forum piss ant" this is not an exageration in the slightest...that is what he stated and that is when i stated what i said to no1 thinks i was takin this the wrong way
Edit: i added this and stand by my statement...i will not help him/her at all, because namecallin may not hurt anyones feelings but someone tried to help him/her and this is the thanx they kinda glad i didnt attempt to help him...i would be seriously irrate at the lack of respect...see this is a support forum..its not our job to make the nuke then install it and set it right so that they have no issues whatsoever...fact is u came for help..thus the word support...this is not a daycare center |
Last edited by gregexp on Wed May 31, 2006 6:44 am; edited 2 times in total |

Wed May 31, 2006 6:33 am |
well how nice for him/her. Luckily for me name calling stopped hurting my feelings when I was 9 but thank you for the clarification darklord. I was wondering what started the whole thing. The best part of the whole situation is that this proves that the search function is vital being that Xeon her/himself posted the solution to their own SAME issue in December. |
Life Cycles Becoming CPU Cycles

Joined: Jun 06, 2005
Posts: 732
Wed May 31, 2006 1:07 pm |
jaded wrote: | lmao, also just for kicks, It makes me laugh to no end that a simple search of your id pulls up a post from last december where YOU posted this exact same issue and solved it yourself!!! Had you done a search and read all answers, you would have found this |
LOL - Busted!! |

Wed May 31, 2006 1:13 pm |
score one for the forum piss ant jaded  |

Wed May 31, 2006 1:17 pm |
Just for the record, I will not comment on what has transpired here and will just let that rest, but I wanted to clarify something that was said. Within Forums, there is something called "Special Rank". As you see here under my name, there is "Site Admin". That is NOT achieved through the number of posts, that was a specific rank given to me by Raven as well as responsibilities. Jaded is a "Theme Guru" simply because she IS one. It is a special rank that I am not even sure anyone else has been given.
Yes, most of the ranks are driven off of number of posts, but not all...
montego |

Wed May 31, 2006 3:16 pm |
i kinda feel like i need to apologize to anyone who might have found my remarks childish in nature.
As a member, I personally found what was said by someone seeking help( as we all have) to be EXTREMELY offensive and perhaps it wasnt my place to say anything at all, but i have no regrets in saying it only a hope that others understand why i said what i said. |

Wed May 31, 2006 3:22 pm |
it is not childish to call someone on what you deam an offensive statement. We are all entitled to our opinion even Xeon. The facts are the facts though and as I said before I do not withdraw anything that I said. I believe firmly in it all. |

Wed May 31, 2006 3:32 pm |
I believe all the points have been made that need to be made. Please let this rest or I'll move this thread out of the public eye.
Thank for you complying,
montego |