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Joined: Apr 27, 2006
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Thu Apr 27, 2006 3:37 pm |
Thank you very much for his your phenomenal distro. I proved several ... I surprised this one!
I inform a bug: In spanish on when entering in Your Account it he appears:
c:\appserv\www\raven_nuke\modules\Your_Account\language\lang-spanish.php on line 245
I solved it replacing this lang-spanish of the module by 7.6 last of Opnycus.
Thousand excuses for my Tarzan english. Juaz!
Thanks, Thanks, Thanks, Thanks, Thanks, Thanks, Thanks, ... x 1000!
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Thu Apr 27, 2006 10:14 pm |
Quote: |
module by 7.6 last of Opnycus
Sorry, I do not understand this line. Would you please post the complete bad define and the translation it should be here and we will fix it in the next release.
Thank you. |
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Only registered users can see links on this board! Get registered or login! |

Fri Apr 28, 2006 6:34 am |
Forgive your me...! The module was not opening and only he was reading the mentioned line. You itself can verify it.
Opnycus was the web de Francisco Burzi (Missing).
Only as reference to you: I replaced It with the "lang-spanish" for module Your Account of this version PHP-Nuke-76-RC1 (Last Opnycus official).
Only registered users can see links on this board! Get registered or login!
I wait be of usefulness!
Excuses x 1000 for my english!!!  |
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Fri Apr 28, 2006 7:42 am |
You can add these to the bottom of modules_Your_Account/language/lang_spanish.php
define("_REGERROR","¡Error en el registro!");
define("_AV_CP","<BR /><b><h5>Avatar Control Panel</h5></b>");
define("_AVATARSIZEADVICE","Muestra una pequeña imagen gráfica bajo tus detalles en tus posteos en el foro y en tu perfil. Solo una imagen puede ser mostrada a la vez, su anchura no puede ser mayor de ");
define("_AVATAR_HEIGHT_ADVICE"," pixeles, la altura no superior a");
define("_AVATAR_FILE_SIZE_ADVICE","pixeles, y el tamaño del archivo no mayor de");
define("_CURRENT_AVATAR","Tu Avatar Actual");
define("_AVATAR_SELECTION","<b>Seleccione Avatar de la galería: </b>");
define("_GALLERY_DISABLED","<b>La galería de avatares se encuentra actualmente deshabilitada</b>");
define("_AVATAR_UPLOAD","<b>Subida del avatar desde tu ordenador: </b>");
define("_AVATAR_UPLOAD_FROM_PROFILE","<b>Subida a través del perfil del foro"</b>);
define("_AVATAR_UPLOAD_FROM_URL","<b>Subida del avatar desde una URL:</b>");
define("_AVATAR_UPLOAD_FROM_URL_ADVICE","Introduce la URL del lugar que contiene la imagen del avatar y pulsa el botón de enviar que se encuentra más abajo. La imagen del avatar será copiada a este web.");
define("_DISABLED","<b>Actualmente Deshabilitado</b>");
define("_AVATAR_OFFSITE","<b>Enlace a avatar externo:</b>");
define("_AVATAR_OFFSITE_ADVICE","Introduce la URL del lugar que contiene la imagen del avatar al que deseas enlazar y pulsa el botón de enviar que se encuentra más abajo.");
define("_AVATAR_SELECT","Para seleccionar tu avatar pulsa sobre la imagen");
define("_SELECTION_OK","¡Selección del avatar correcta!");
define("_USER_AVATAR","Avatar para ");
define("_NEW_AVATAR","Tu Avatar Nuevo: ");
define("_AVATAR_SAVED","¡Guardado correctamente!");
define("_AVATAR_FORMAT","¡Formato de avatar incorrecto! Los formatos de los avatares solo pueden ser GIF, JPG o PNG.");
define("_AVATAR_SAVE_ERROR","<b>There was an error when we tried to save your Avater: </b>");

Fri Apr 28, 2006 9:51 am |
Thanks for the quick answer, Guardian!  |

Joined: Dec 19, 2004
Posts: 3191
Location: Germany:Moderator German NukeSentinel Support
Fri Apr 28, 2006 10:29 am |
Muchas gracias ! Thank your for your information and the download version. |

Fri Apr 28, 2006 3:52 pm |
With $display_errors = TRUE;
Parse error: parse error, unexpected '/' in /www/htdocs/my/modules/Your_Account/language/lang-spanish.php on line 245
Change in this line 245:
should work. |

Fri Apr 28, 2006 11:23 pm |
File updated in SVN and Mantis entry made. |