pcnuke writes:Pc-Nuke! has had many requests within the Nuke Community to create a module that would allow users to edit and display multiple HTML pages based from the use of only one module. We have created this new module, which is called the - PCN Multi-Html Page - module. It is a simple install and very easy to use. It allows the showing of up to 15 different edited "html" or other type coded pages. We've also included basic instructions to help you find your way through most issues, we hope you enjoy it.
The module is currently set-up to display the right-side blocks on all Nuke versions that are running chatserv v3.1 changes. Depending on what version of Nuke you are using, you may need to make some adjustments to your system.
See it here: http://www.max.pcnuke.com/modules.php?name=Multi_Html
Download here: http://www.max.pcnuke.com/modules.php?name=Downloads&op=getit&lid=125
Pc-Nuke! - The Power of the the Nuke - without the Radiation.
Pc-Nuke! has released a Multi-Html - page modulePosted on Monday, September 19, 2005 @ 00:17:17 CDT in Add-Ons |