Module Image Host V. 1.0

Posted on Saturday, January 28, 2006 @ 02:44:48 CST in Add-Ons
by Raven

jhondoe writes:  
The module upload of images, for registered users of our nuke. Doesn't need any modification in the database, neither any addiction in the code of phpnuke, is alone to activate it in the administration.* allowed the users to put up in an individual portfolio, the files with extension jpg,png and gif
* The user can erase the files in block or individually
* It allows to change the name of the files without modifying the extension of these
* allows to obtain the nuevo(Foros codes and direct link)
* has it limits the weight of the files to ascend (1.4 M)
* has space assigned for the user (5M)
* It doesn't allow on passing the assigned space (5M)
* The administrator can see the directories
* The administrator can erase the directories
* The administrator can erase the files of the directories in block or individually
All the above-mentioned without making modifications in the database of our nuke.

To copy the directory with all their structure in root of our nuke(html/modules /), the files that the user
ascends they are placed in a portfolio of the module ej: (html/modules/Imagehost/images/sigs/jhondoe.)
the module comes in Spanish and English, new translation will be very received in jhodoe[AT]
The module is license GNU/GPL(Macondo ).
note: remember that when mention html it is their root it is which is, this it is my example.

It works in phpnuke 7.8 with patch Chanserv (screenshot)

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