nukeevangelist writes:brand new: membership-Application v 1.0.0 :: get your copy today
great news on :: DBF_Tim writes "We have released Member Application v 1.0.0 To the public!
This module is intended to add a level of membership application to Nuke-Evolution and PHP-Nuke.
This version contains several enhancements and added features.
Automated Installer
User input options:
Text Field
Text Area
Check Box
Dropdown List
Radio Buttons
All user inputs can be passive or required.
Completed applications are stored in a database table.
Application notification options:
Small notice emailed to admin.
Detailed (complete application) emailed to admin.
Posted to a forum.
Applications can be deleted from admin interface.
Applications are numbered to distinguish multiple apps from 1 user in 1 day.
Customizable welcome or terms text.
Customizable Thank You text.
Requires Nuke Evolution 1.0.1 or Nuke 7.6 or later with Chatservs PHP-Nuke Patched 3.1 patch or later from Nuke Resources.
Get Member Application at Driven By Faith Designs also linked in the downloads area hear."
Member Application Member Application Vx.x was releasedPosted on Saturday, April 29, 2006 @ 09:04:14 CDT in Add-Ons |