refiner writes:Themes PH-APOTHUS BLUE AND PH-APOTHUS RED have benn released today, both theme are tech looking and come with matchin forum, flash nav in the header (links can be changed thru the text file nav.txt) second flash menu in the footer, scrolling download and weblink, forum header with flash nav. You can see both theme and all other Phpcusa & DesignWicked theme at newly opened phpcusa themes site Phpcusa & DesignWicked Themes. PHAPOTHUS BLUE is named PH-APOTHUSB. PHAPOTHUS RED is named PH-APOTHUSR.
New Themes from DesignWicked and PhpcusaPosted on Monday, May 15, 2006 @ 01:09:51 CDT in PHP-Nuke Themes |