My opinion of the Nuke Community

Posted on Monday, May 15, 2006 @ 01:16:40 CDT in Opinion
by Raven

pcnuke writes:  
My opinion of the Nuke Community(

Date: 05.14.06

One thing the team at PCN Systems has found out working with the PHP-Nuke portal system (in our short time within the community) is that it will never be up to date & can have many security issues. While members & staff of this website enjoy using phpnuke and variations of the program. Part of the fun of it is messing with it, and converting sections of it they way you want it to be. They main thing you must remember is that its a free program and is Open Source, so you can distribute it, and change it, and any addons created for it, anyway you would like. Many people will use it as BASIS to develop a new FORK from, converting areas of the code they way they choose. We want everyone here at to know that versions found on our website are not FORKS, they are truly php-nuke based at heart, and any addon created for phpnuke will always work with all systems found on this website.

The main reason for the programs flaws are caused from its developer and bad coding he releases to the public. While the overall idea of the system is great and I mean no dis-respect to the developer of PHP-Nuke (FB) , the program could be made better by its dev... by rechecking its operations in a couple of browsers, prior to releasing it to the public. Remember Php-Nuke is also a fork created from a previous open source poratl system.

Once any phpnuke version is released to the public, it will get reviewed and criticized by many, then work will begin on it by 3rd party developers. One of the best is chatserv & his crew, at - they look for and fix major security issues and flaws within the system. Recently chatserv announced that he will begin keyin-in on only the v7.6 release, even though they have put a last updates out all they way up to v7. (updates v3.1 & and recently v3.2) Another of the crew members the chatserv site is (Evaders99), this guy is everywhere, helping people on many Nuke website, and there are many major peple like him out there in the Nuke Community. "Hammer & Rhino" are MAJOR members of our website: and are always online helping our members. Another thing that chatserv does is he always updates the new phpBB releases at: , which is the main forum that was incorporated into the PHP-Nuke system. If chatserv were to leave to Nuke Community, it would be a great loss for everyone, and we want to thank him and everyone else for the work they do within the Nuke community.

Raven at:
DJMAze at:
Telli at
Bob at - are a few of the really great developers still actively involved within the Nuke community, and we mean mean no disrespect to anyone else within the Nuke community, because there are many, many great developers out there who have fixed Nuke, and made many, many, great addons for it. Its just mainly everyone shows up at Ravens to work on/out problems, a great resource where people can usually find answers tfor their problems. I mentioned DJMaze above mainly because, looking at his DragonFly version, which in history got to its point by him originally changing a version of PHP-NUke, he shows what can be done by people who enjoy coding (when coming into the overall portal community I began reviewing a number of differant systems and found his version at the time to be the best overall). I believe from looking over the latest release of his portal system, that from ground up, its now has all new coding and is completely independent of PHP-Nuke.

Here are some more great resources Sites within the Nuke Community people may choose to use. These are but a few of the great sites, with great site owners, staff members, and members (we use many of their addons in our systems):

just to name a few....

Notes: (PCN Systems means no dis-respect to anyone in this news release, There are many great people in the Nuke Community who work extensively to improve this system, we also thank them, and I (the admin from PCN) think it would be a great idea to create an annual convention meeting for Nuker by Nukers (not businessmen or companies looking to commercialize it for a BUCK, but real people), and gather once a year at some location, hold this convention, socialize, & have fun. So we could all meet in person & take that much neeeded vacation in the sun, Vegas maybe...)

The PCN Team
The Power of the Nuke - Without the Radiation!
Stop the Violence!
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Re: My opinion of the Nuke Community (Score: 1)
by jhondoe on Monday, May 15, 2006 @ 10:56:03 CDT
(User Info | Send a Message)

you excuse, but also lacking to name the Latin community that he works with phpnuke and that they are not few and their contributions are as important as those of the community in English
These communities are:
The community Truzone []
The phpnuke-Hispano [] community
The phpnuke-espanol [] community
and others that escape now.
So please they also make a great work making addon and modules for phpnuke and their clones

it is my personal idea

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