NukeEvangelist writes:give feedback to the module-, hack-, block- and theme-developers to improve all!
- in order to create and apple pie from scratch you first have to create the universe -
at the global phpnuke-group we do not have to create the universe - we have many good mods in the pipeline. thousands modules allready exist - we do not have to write them but we have to give feedback & support. many modules are under permanent development - many modules have great supporters and they ever evolve. Therefore we need your feedback that supports the developers - in order to make the good things better.
well at more than 69 000 nukers share the ideas grab modules, blocks and hacks.
We believe that information matters :: here at we share it, use it and multiply it.
this site is a great place for idea sharing and generalized social exchange: soon 14 000 users share the ideas, multiply the knowledge n´ move the community forward. Thanks to every user - thanks to every user of this page. At the global nuke-group we believe sharing is the way to create better modules.
give feedback to the module-, hack-, block- and theme-developers to improve all!Posted on Friday, August 25, 2006 @ 23:26:58 CDT in Community |