karakas writes:
I think it is about time for new versions of the PHP-Nuke modules of the manuals! The whole PHP Manual (version of 2006-10-25) and the whole PEAR Manual (version of 29-10-2006), with all their links, are now available as a PHP-Nuke modules that will fit nicely into your PHP-Nuke: get the PHP Manual as a PHP-Nuke module and the the PEAR Manual as a PHP-Nuke module and they will provide your visitors with the PHP and PEAR knowledge they search for, all integrated into your PHP-Nuke site. No use of iframes is made, so these modules are browser-independent. No need to leave your site anymore, no need to renounce to your website design - full customization control provided through CSS for thorough adaptation to your personal theme. A must-have for every technically-oriented PHP-Nuke site.
The PHP Manual module contains an exact copy of the PHP Manual as of Oct. 25th, 2006. It needs 37 MB of disk space for all it approx. 6200 files, so it's not for small sites. Also, some ISPs do not allow more than 2000 files in one single directory - in this case you are also out of luck.
The PEAR Manual module contains an exact copy of the PEAR Manual as of Oct. 29th., 2006. It needs a bit less: only 16 MB of disk space, with approx. 2600 files.
If you are interested to see how the PHP and PEAR Manuals were nuked, the method is described in detail in the PHP-Nuke HOWTO, in the subsection on How to include a HTML file and its links in a PHP-Nuke module, as well as in the thread How to transform a collection of HTML files into a module.
Note that the Licence of the PHP and PEAR manuals is not GPL, although quite liberal. However, the index.php file, as well as the CSS files of the modules are set under the GPL by me. Please read index.php and the INSTALL file for details. You should also have a look at index.php if you want to get an idea of the dimensions of this project.
Get the newest versions of the manual modules here: PHP Manual as a PHP-Nuke module and PEAR Manual as a PHP-Nuke module and install them on your site today! Send your questions to the Nuked PHP and PEAR Manuals thread here, at ravenphpscripts or to The Nuked PHP and PEAR Manuals thread of my PHP-Nuke Forum.
New versions of PHP and PEAR Manual modules for PHP-NukePosted on Tuesday, November 07, 2006 @ 09:29:17 CST in Documentation |