[Updated 9/12/2002] Thanks to all who have been instrumental in the devlopment of KISSQ application! I have received many suggestions for other types of tracking, options, currencies, etc. The focus of KISSQ is stocks and that's where I will keep the focus. To try to expand beyond that to cover all the other possibilities would just require too much time and support. Read on for a project status ....Keep checking back for additional updates! So far, here is the wish list that I have and the progress to date fo the next release:
- Allow multiple portfolios.
- Chart the history data.
- Symbol look up.
- Done! - BLOCK - Changed Broker links to a drop down menu to conserve screen real estate.
- Done! - MODULE - Allow entering the date purchased in order to allow multiple lots.
- Done! - MODULE - Added setting to allow Webmaster to decide which method to use to calculate changes in daily prices.
- Done! - MODULE - Added Financial news headlines.
- Done! - MODULE - Allow selection of which market to get quote from. For example, to retrieve a symbol from OTCBB, Yahoo requires you to enter symbol.OB. KISSQ should only require symbol and the user selects OTCBB and then automatically adds the .OB.
- Done! - MODULE - Allow entering of more than 1 symbol at a time to add to portfolio.
- Done! - MODULE - Added a HELP facility to the left of the Symbol input box. This will be expanded as time goes on.
- Done! - BLOCK - Provide colored indicators for +/- indicators, probably little lights
- Done! - BLOCK - Clean up format for when market opens from showing 100% movement when any of the factors are N/A
- Done! - BLOCK - Added mouse overs for Symbols to show Company name
KISSQ v3.0 updatePosted on Tuesday, September 03, 2002 @ 07:04:21 CDT in Stock Quote Application News |