A CMS With A Focus On Security

Posted on Tuesday, May 29, 2007 @ 01:00:14 CDT in Security
by Raven

forgotz writes:  
DaDaNuke is proud to announce that we have expanded our current inventory to offer products, service and support for Nuke-Evolution. Click here to see our new site! Nuke-Evolution is a variant of the CMS (Content Management System) PHP-Nuke, version 7.6. "Evo", as it is affectionately know, has it's roots in the former TechGFX project, PHP-Nuke Platinum. Although the continuation of that project under another development team may be found here. Consider partly, that Nuke-Evolution is a lessons learned exercise, as a result of the experience of former Platinum developers, who now make the core of the Nuke-Evolution development team. Read More... for complete story.As with many people involved in the PHP-Nuke community-at-large may know, security has been questionable with this CMS (PHP-Nuke). I will not bother with that topic now, for it has been discussed ad nausea and better left to expand on this issue with it's own article. I will say this, the Nuke-Evolution Development Team has made a priority, security. Not just the core CMS itself, but all modules, addons, MODS, hacks and tweaks as well. They are committed to whichever script they use, anywhere in the system, that exploits, attacks and prevention are coded in. And, many of the modules and BBtoNuke MODS included, have been updated as well. This typically results in a better, more secure script than that which may still be available from the original author(s)!

A major part of the success of any platform that delivers content and functionality, is availability of third party software and backwards compatibility. At DaDaNuke Evolution we are committed to producing quality scripts and service for this ever growing community. Join us today, register here now and show your support for this great CMS. DaDaNuke Evolution is completely Donations driven.
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