Pc-Nuke! opens estore, releases many new Nuke scripts!

Posted on Monday, September 06, 2010 @ 15:49:14 CDT in PC Nuke
by Raven

pcnuke writes:  
Come check out our many new & updated nuke files at Pc-Nuke! - Visit the estore, or show your support and make a donation to the PCN website, and get a full run of the site for that specific month, where you can download as many files as you like or view a lot of technical posts in our forums areas, etc...

Get PCN works & updated nuke files: Xtreme! Max! & Lite!, AdsPlus, Hulu, Twitter, Wiki, videostream, coppermine, php-nuke, themes, new and updated blocks, modules, admin tools, and so much more...

I remember someone asking for a script where the admin could just easily delete a member with the click of a button, PCN did a web search for a script something like this but and couldnt find any, So we created one, and it does much more, like monitoring members login dates, IPs, IP location & IP mapping, delete groups or individual members without deleting their forum posts, and so much more... PCN calls it the (Handy Admin List) and you can find it in the PCN estore section here (Addons).

Everything tested in PHP-Nuke & PCN Systems.
PCN eStore: ( Go Now!)
Get em while theyre hot, before they're all gone!!!
The Power of the Nuke - Without the Radiation!
The Pc-Nuke! Team! | http://www.pcnuke.com
Stop the Violence!
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