Editors needed - get the first book on phpnuke out of the door

Posted on Friday, December 10, 2004 @ 14:58:09 CST in Documentation
by Raven

nukeevangelist writes:  
Editors needed - get the first book on phpnuke out of the door - please take this PHPNUKE-HowTo into consideration - edit this by a major publisher.

in a new article a new PostNuke-book was announced (SamsPublishing)

well PHPNukers have to kick out the first english PHPNuke-Book now!! Allready two books are out: both in german language created with corresponding websites. What about a english book - this is wanted and needed by much much more interested guys! Who comes up with a eng. version? GET AN EDITOR by bringing the PHPNUKE-HowTo to a mayor publisher!

The first book on PHP-NUKE just got very hot of the press... - the pupblishers covered it red - see here for full details :: covered it red - see here for full details:: the corresponding website phpnuke-book.com

the second book called "Nukebook" (view on Amazon.de) :: the second Nukebook (amazon preview) :: the corresponding website Nukebook.de

the newest achievements - the first two book-projects about phpnuke: add yours in your language NOW!

  • the first book (german) first book on PHPNUKE is about to be kicked out of the door; some referal infos can be found here on phpnuke-book.com
  • the second book (german) Nukebook.de read on to get more insights;
  • .... who comes up with the first english/french/spanish/turkish/italian/greek version?
    note: the great framework for a start off - the PHPNUKE-HowTo
  • add the PHPNUKE-Book in your language NOW! - get an author or translator!
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    Re: Editors needed - get the first book on phpnuke out of the door (Score: 1)
    by antonioandrade on Tuesday, January 04, 2005 @ 04:49:01 CST
    (User Info | Send a Message)

    GU NukeBrasil.org also made book release regarding PHP-Nuke in Brazil. We believed to be the first publication done regarding the CMS PHP-Nuke in Portuguese language. Until March 2005 it will already be available the second and third volume of the book.
       Atneciosamente Antonio Andrade
    GU NukeBrasil.org - www.nukebrasil.org [www.nukebrasil.org]

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