Ravens PHP Scripts

New Release of CNB Content Module
Date: Tuesday, March 29, 2005 @ 09:11:10 CST
Topic: Add-Ons

I´m proud to announce the public release of the Beta2 version of CNB Conteudo 3.0.
This module is part of a new revolution of tools to insert content for Nuke because it has so many functions to allow collaborative work.

These Module have the following functions:
- Possibility to create many folders and sub-folders;
- Possibility to create files and sub-files (pages);
- Can provide diferent authorizations for user groups (NSN Groups);
- Can upload files;
- Can create WIKI folders;
- Can create pages that allow any graphical distributions of Blocks;
- And so many other...

To make the download, please follow this link.

This article comes from Ravens PHP Scripts

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