Ravens PHP Scripts

mTutorials 2.00 released - more features and options for you
Date: Sunday, April 03, 2005 @ 19:47:03 CDT
Topic: Add-Ons

the developers of the the User Groups-module on webdever.net - work hard on several projects:

Brandnew mTutorials 2.00 released: mtutorials is a tutorials module for PHP-Nuke, letting you create, edit, and display tutorials on your site. Users can browse and submit they're own tutorials too.

Version 2.0.0 let's you:

Edit/delete tutorials and catagories
Display how many tutorials are contained in each catagory
Notify the administrator(s) of a new tutorial submission, either by a waiting content block or by e-mail
Search the tutorials database (requires mSearch 2.0.0 or higher)
View the most popular or highest rated tutorials

Preview mTutorials and download it on webdever.net

see an complete overview on all projects and modules developed for Nuke:
- Top Referers v2.0 0
- User Groups Module/Block 0
- mCms 7
- Top Referers v3.0 0

testrun also the Tutorial-Module for PHPNuke & osc2nuke BTW: the mtutorials-module is yet another great dual use module. more infos on webdever.net :: Feedback via contactmailer

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