Ravens PHP Scripts

osc2nuke 7x6 -beta 1 was made public
Date: Monday, April 11, 2005 @ 06:40:51 CDT
Topic: Community

great Osc2Nuke News : osc2nuke 76 beta 1 is released. The new version of osc2nuke has been opened to the public as osc2nuke beta 1, you can find it in our download section. A forum has been dedicated to this beta version and we are waiting for your comment there...

please travel over to osc2nuke.com and get your copy of the newest osc2nuke 76 beta 1 version now:

download tar-version :: download zip-version

btw now we have a Demo-Site of osc2nuke 7x6 also we ve got more good news from osc2nuke.com now we have the first feedback of the BETA_TESTERS:
osc2nuke7X6 BETA RESULT REPORTS "Wow! working a treat, Install is very easy to use, a few clicks and you'll have it all installed, nice little box features on the first install page ...[..].. read on for more

btw now we have a Demo-Site of osc2nuke 7x6

also we ve got more good news from osc2nuke.com now we have the first feedback of the BETA_TESTERS:
osc2nuke7X6 BETA RESULT REPORTS "Wow! working a treat,

Install is very easy to use, a few clicks and you'll have it all installed, nice little box features on the first install page which told me GD was installed aswell, nice
No problems so far, no errors to report, very nice to actually be able to change the currency through the osc admin and not have to clear cookies to display it on the page correctly also languages change sweetly without any problems,
Still playing about with it but so far, so good"
Please travel over and read more good news from osc2nuke.com testrun also the new Demo-Site of osc2nuke 7x6 and read the osc2nuke7X6 BETA RESULT REPORTS

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