Ravens PHP Scripts

phpfreelance.org and Bidoodle.com - Official Opening
Date: Tuesday, April 12, 2005 @ 09:45:56 CDT
Topic: Announcements

I am very excited to announce the official opening of phpfreelance.org.
phpfreelance.org aims to cater for all PHP programmers and project leaders everywhere.

Have you ever looked at your PHP project or website and wondered "I wish I could have this, or I wish I could have that?"

Would you be willing to pay someone to do the work for you?

Maybe you've got a huge project and not a lot of time to complete it (as is often the case)?

Maybe you're a PHP programmer who is looking to earn a little bit of cash on the side (or a lot!!)?

This is where phpfreelance.org comes in.

phpfreelance provides you with the following:

  • A provider/buyers account in which to monitor projects.
  • The ability to bid on any work would like to take on.
  • Several levels of subscription from free (default) right up to ultra members (which provides unlimited adding of projects and more..)
  • Communication through the site.
  • 60 Main categories.
  • 235 sub-categories (with more being added as recommended by you).
  • Clear Structure - find what you want fast!!.
  • Track your bids (for buyers).
  • Edit your account / profile.
  • Add / edit your portfolio.
  • The ability to make your profile stand out from the rest (so buyers will pick you out).
  • Post new projects and keep track of them.
  • Multilingual.
  • Great for phpNuke, Postnuke and other Portals.
  • Much, much more ...

If you are a buyer - then you can even think about auctioning off your new piece of work on our sister site:
Bidoodle.com - also just opened today!! Watch out EBAY :)

As an incentive - we are offering FREE premium memberships (for the first 6 months) to the first 20 people who sign up on each site (phpfreelance.org and Bidoodle.com).
This will mean you can post unlimited projects as well as bid on unlimited projects for the first 6 months at phpfreelance.org.

You may also sell an unlimited amount of goods (not limited to PHP stuff) on Bidoodle.com for free (no fees) for the first 6 months.

So what are you waiting for?

Head over to phpfreelance.org and Bidoodle.com today!!

This article comes from Ravens PHP Scripts

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