Ever wish all these posts and scripts and hacks to quickly fix issues with your nuke site were all in one place? Have you ever activated a block or a theme and then you can't get into your site to fix it? Ever wish you were on an abandoned island with J-Lo? Well, I have released toolbox for everything except being with J-Lo :lol:. I have many little handyman tools that I use when trying to help someone debug their site and I have put these and some other ones into a common structure that should make the webmaster's task a bit easier when needing that quick fix or just information.
Please note that this is NOT a security tool. It is to be looked at as that Master Key - Super God like application that bypasses everything else . Please post all support questions in the Nuke Tool Box (TM) forum that is set up especially for this.
As I have been working with nuke sites for the past several years, there are issues that crop up again and again. I have written various tools to help me debug, but this tool set goes beyond that. This set of tools encompasses a 'fix' or the path to for many common issues and problems that occur when installing and modifying nuke code.
As time goes on I would imagine that more will be added. That's why I have designed this as a 'modular' system. Tools/modules can be added/removed at any time and the system will compensate automatically. This is NOT a nuke module. The main reason is that your nuke site may be broken at the theme level. Therefore, you can't even get the site to come up. There is no manual as the options are self explanatory. However, there is a brief description for each option. As to security, well, this is one of those applications that you do not leave laying around. I have included a switch in the config file for basic HTTP Authentication. The id and password are in plain text but the file cannot be read directly. This entire folder must be placed in the nuke root directory. Name it something that noone will ever guess. Remove it when not in use or change the permissions such that the code cannot be executed. You could also use .htaccess with an encrypted password file. I have added Session Security to stop direct access to any of the scripts. To test it, try directly going to tb_menu.php (It's only a screen display, not a pc-killer).
As always, if you find this utility useful, please donate $5 or $10 or more to my favorite charity at Raven PHP Scripts in an effort to keep these utilities free.
This application (all scripts) is copyrighted by Raven Web Services(tm) and may not be reproduced nor redistributed without the written consent of same. This is not GPL. You may, however, modify the code for your personal use. All original credit must be maintained and all modifications must be provided back to me for possible inclusion in any future release. I retain exclusive ownership to this application.