Ravens PHP Scripts

XiodeStudios Themes!
Date: Thursday, September 08, 2005 @ 14:29:26 CDT
Topic: PHP-Nuke Themes

Just wanted to give everyone some updates on the new themes released at XiodeStudios.Com. I have released 2 themes lately. XiodeV1 and XiodeV2. Both themes are fully configurable. You can easily define the width of the theme, whether you have the 3.1 patch installed, configure the flash nav, and marquee. XsShout is a flash shout box with a detailed admin. Skins are availiable for both. XsNav is a configurable flash nav block. Skins are also availiable for both themes. Drop by and check them out. Getting one would be an investment you will appreciate.

On to the themes!

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