what a wonderful group of worldwide support and sustainable development. Nuke is one of the most powerful groups of innovation under the sun!
you want to customize your PHPNuke: ulsoft.scarbridge.co.uk the developersite for Approve Membership Module for Php-Nuke has great stuff for you!
arnoldkrg, the developer works permanent on this! This is available for download :: please travel over to the powerful Approve Membership Module for Php-Nuke - and support the sustainable development with your continued feedback!
ready for you access to problem solving capabilities are the following sites: PHPNUKE-HowTo on karakas-online :: Tutorial-Collection of Mindl3ss :: Developers Guide to PHP-Nuke with many subsections ::
you want to tinker and customize PHPNuke: get access to problem solving capabilities - you want to tailor and customize your system to your own needs - you can exploit the variety of knowledge ressources available in the whole nuke-environment: the PHPNuke-project has reached a critical mass, now it functions itself as a giant decentraliced mechanism for generating and distributing knowledge. get access to this giant ressources of decentralized knowledge and collective problem solving capabilities. Some of the globally dispersed ressources are gathered togehter in forums, dokus and hotspots.