Ravens PHP Scripts

brandnew Beta-version of XAMPP for Linux :: new tortoisecvs clients
Date: Saturday, September 17, 2005 @ 17:49:35 CDT
Topic: Internet

the team on Apachefriends.org is very active:
brandnew Beta-version of XAMPP for Linux :: brandnew with postgresql-support

New [devel] : MySQL (4.1.14) and PHP (5.0.5). and with PostgeSQL-support in PHP.

stable: XAMPP linux/windows32-1.4.15 Final get more bout xampp-linux/win 32-1.4.15.exe: :: mehr Infos und Downloads auf Apachefriends.org :: problem solving caps at the forums

btw the Tortoise-Team comes up with Version TortoiseCVS-1.9.10.exe
TortoiseCVS Stable (for deployment) - TortoiseCVS-1.8.21.exe - 5.67 MB - 12th September 2005
Unstable (for testing) - TortoiseCVS-1.9.10.exe - MB - 9th September 2005

This article comes from Ravens PHP Scripts

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