the developer team on is very active.
breaking news from, first screenshots of adminpanels for phpMyhotel-port soon online. the developerteam on is very active.
Xyberian; "In this weekend, I will make a dozen of snap shots for admin CP. This means that working version on admin cp comes up in this weekend days."
phpMyhotels: a top notch real world app - soon gets a PHPNuke-Module see phpmyhotels[demo] a booking engine :: more infos at the SourceForge [Projektseite]
see a powerful Standalone-demo at
the stanalone-script: phpmyhotels[fully fledged demo] :: phpMyHotels [SourceForgeSite] "phpMyHotels is a new concept of reservation system. It features several different types of researches, being based on a plug-in architecture."
more news soon here and on