Ravens PHP Scripts

Do not get caught with your pants down!
Date: Sunday, January 08, 2006 @ 13:27:26 CST
Topic: Add-Ons

One tool is available to assist and virtually cover every right and protection afforded to you and visitors to your site, Legal Notes 0.91. Visit http://dadanuke.org for screens and downlaod. When it comes to site security, you are your first best line of defense. Do not rely on the government or someone else to protect what you have worked so hard to achieve. One vital component of an overall security strategy is, the legal rights of both your site and its members.

Be very clear right up-front, as to what you will, can and in some cases do that may be necessary to protect the information stored in your database(s). Legal Notes 0.91 comes bundled with preconfigured settings as well as full customization from your PHP-Nuke administration panel. Use the included legal docs or supply your own. This addon is a must have for every PHP-Nuke installation.

Do not get caught with your pants down! Download Legal Notes 0.91 today!

This article comes from Ravens PHP Scripts

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