Ravens PHP Scripts

new: Gallery 1.5.2-Final available :: new features & fixes - get your copy t
Date: Sunday, January 22, 2006 @ 01:42:16 CST
Topic: Add-Ons

Gallery 1.5.2 is now available for download: get your copy of Gallery 1.5.2 at the Gallery Download Page and support the developers with your continued feedback - the more the better.

BTW: yet another project that supports with its modules the great success story of PHP-Nuke. Let us celebrate the the overwhelming success-story and the thousands of developers that PHPNuke can rely on:

Download 1.5.2 from the Gallery Download Page and Visit the 1.5.2 Discussion Thread to submit any reports or see a known issues list of what has happened so far. Note: This is a Final version and you should be sure to BACK UP YOUR GALLERY *before* installing and upgrading your current Gallery. Read on for information on how to back up critical data and get more infos."

get your copy of Gallery 1.5.2 at the Gallery Download Page :: see also more

eg Dariush Molavi and his website called NukedGallery.net - dariush - your site rocks - keep up your brilliant work

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