PHPNuke has become increasing popular amongst many CMS users, especially users trying a CMS for the first time. Just why is PHPNuke so popular...
because of its great modules, blocks hacks and themes form many great third party-developers
eg see the great - Last Visit-module a true great module: LAST VISIT 5 FOR PHP-NUKE :: Last Visit 5 is an administrative module which is designed to work with PHP-Nuke versions 6.5 and higher. Last Visit is widely known to be one of the most useful membership management tools available to PHP-Nuke users.
Last Visit 5 is highly configurable and easy to navigate. Many of the features listed will function according to your personal settings. Below is a list of some of the things Last Visit 5 offers and can do. Features That Run Automatically (depending on settings you choose):
Process membership activity status
Email notifications to inactive members
Delete inactive members see the full featurelist on - Last Visit-module
I have contacted the author to inform him that his licensing restrictions are null and void per the OSF. Whether he agrees or not, it is a fact. Any of his scripts that are written and require phpnuke to run are GNU/GPL.