I think it is time to move Nuke to the next level. The tremendous work of the Nuke Patch Team and security addon creators have given Nuke a stable foundation. However, I believe the foundation is not yet complete. I firmly believe the foundation needs to be complete so Nuke can distance itself from the other CMS's and move to the next level.
To that end I propose a new forum board to be created at the various Nuke Leadership websites for the purpose of setting up minimal standards and requirements for the Nuke code in themes, modules, addons, and blocks. For example, compliance to W3C HTML Transitional standards at the very least.
If/when these standards and requirements are agreed upon, then I suggest only those themes, modules, addons, and blocks that meet the proposed standards be allowed to be listed as news articles in the future or for downloading to the general public.
Please Read More....... to see my explanation and arguements.
Discussion Starting Points:
Make all code HTML Transitional compliant. nuff said...
style.css File
I think standardizing the minimal requirements or listings is needed. Each theme's style.css should have at least certain listed classes. To that end I suggest removing $bgcolor from all themes and modules and making them classes called in the style.css file. For example:
--Suggested Addition to all style.css files (colors listed for demo purposes only)
.bgc1 {background:gray} /*replaces $bgcolor1*/
.bgc2 {background:navy} /*replaces $bgcolor2*/
.bgc3 {background:red} /*replaces $bgcolor3*/
.bgc4 {background:fuschia} /*replaces $bgcolor4*/
.txtclr1 {background:black} /*replaces $textcolor1*/
.txtclr2 {background:white} /*replaces $textcolor2*/
theme.php File
Put properties in the style.css file and use the theme.php file for structure only. I have recently been thru over 300 different themes and I think each and every one fully violates this. For example: All the themes list the BODY properties in the style.css file, then in the theme.php file they list---body margin= background= cellpadding= etc. thus replacing each and every property listed in the BODY class in the style.css file. Another frequent violation is with the class="title". .title properties are listed in the style.css file, then in the themeblock area, I will see: font class="title" and then change colors, or make it bold, etc.
Let the theme determine how the data is presented/decorated. Remove the $bgcolor and let the style.css class properties take over. A common error in nearly all the modules I have recently looked at is again, with the .title property. A module will have: font class=title then they will make it bold.... Let the style.css in each theme take care of decoration.
I realize change will not come quick and easy, but if nuke is to move to the next level, a firm foundation must be in place. The Patch Team and security addon creators have poured a lot of the quality foundation. I think it is time to finish the foundation so true improvements can begin.
Let the stone throwing begin..... :-))))
Note from Raven: We just did this a few months ago and it really ended up nowhere. There's too much diversity and distros and new versions, etc. The idea is good but reality makes it virtually impossible.