Ravens PHP Scripts

Multiheadlines v2.0 - Web Based RSS/RDF/ATOM Aggregator
Date: Friday, April 14, 2006 @ 00:51:41 CDT
Topic: Add-Ons

Hello everybody!!!

I want to anounce a new release of Multiheadlines phpnuke addon.

Shortly, Multiheadlines is a php-nuke addon who let you show/post the content[link, title, description/summary] of RSS, RDF, ATOM feeds directly to your php-nuke site. It has a lot of options in administration panel and is completely automated.

The second release of Multiheadlines have new lots of options:
- most signigficant is that from now on Multiheadlines have support for ATOM files format.
- activate/deactivate the feeds colection
- showing the time for every feed is optional
- showing the logo for each url feed is optional
- change the time format for feeds
- from now on you can preview the content of channel[or entry] for RSS/RDF/ATOM files [you can check before adding a feed url to your site, what content have the RSS/RDF channel or ATOM entry].

- upload logos from Multiheadlines administration panel
- activate/deactivate feed urls
- feed urls alerts [let you know if one feed url is still working]
- option to create many[unlimited] Multiheadlines blocks [marquee or scroll type] direct from Multiheadlines administration panel
- option to make feeds sticky
- some shortcuts to improve the reading of feeds
- showing infos about a RSS/RDF channel or ATOM entry

....and of course some bugs were fixed.

Last but not least I want to thank all of the people who helped to improve this addon with feedbacks and ideas.

You can download it from www.aikons.net after registration.

This article comes from Ravens PHP Scripts

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