Ravens PHP Scripts

phpESP-clones & EdogsOpros :: great surveytools for phpnuke ::
Date: Saturday, April 15, 2006 @ 03:43:39 CDT
Topic: Add-Ons

phpESP-clones & EdogsOpros :: surveytools for phpnuke :: from time to time we announce the latest news about the survey-module development;

phpStandalone: the phpESP v 1.8 final "PHP scripts to let non-technical users create surveys, administer surveys, gather results, view statistics. All managed online after database initialization."
based on Butterfat.net: phpESP v 1.8 final :: phpESP v 1.8 [fully blown demo]

Clonenews: the devs on NukeKorea.net come with a enhanced phpESP-running in phpnuke. so we have a renewed phpESP for PhpNuke.

- PHPNuke israel science-site :: Uni-Site [portugal] :: running the version of Eric [nettrade.nl].

besides this we have the EdogsOpros v1.0.9b :: here some Demos:

a list of several surveys: pick one and have a closer look
some in depth stats of a survey [aritmethic calculations]
more stats of a survey [aritmethic calculations]
Hard Dance London [whouhh: in depth going demo]
Novell - User Group Danmark :: deutsche gesellschaft.de

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