Ravens PHP Scripts

Work Has Begun On Next Release of Stock Module & Block
Date: Sunday, August 18, 2002 @ 23:40:00 CDT
Topic: Stock Quote Application News

[Updated 9/1/2002] I've gotten some great suggestions for the next release, tentatively dubbed 3.0! I have also noticed that, depending on Yahoo's response time, it can really drag down the front page load, due to the block retrieving the data. Soooo.....

To help alleviate that annoyance, I am proposing that the initial block come up with only a button in it, that says something like "Load Live Quotes". Then, upon clicking, the block initiates and stays active for the duration of the session. This will be webmaster configurable, of course! Keep checking back for additional updates! So far, here is the wish list that I have:
  • Allow multiple portfolios.
  • Chart the history data.
  • Symbol look up.
  • In Progress - MODULE - Allow entering the date purchased in order to allow multiple lots.
  • Done! - MODULE - Added Financial news headlines.
  • Done! - MODULE - Allow selection of which market to get quote from. For example, to retrieve a symbol from OTCBB, Yahoo requires you to enter symbol.OB. KISSQ should only require symbol and the user selects OTCBB and then automatically adds the .OB.
  • Done! - MODULE - Allow entering of more than 1 symbol at a time to add to portfolio.
  • Done! - MODULE - Added a HELP facility to the left of the Symbol input box. This will be expanded as time goes on.
  • Done! - BLOCK - Provide colored indicators for +/- indicators, probably little lights
  • Done! - BLOCK - Clean up format for when market opens from showing 100% movement when any of the factors are N/A
  • Done! - BLOCK - Added mouse overs for Symbols to show Company name

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