Ravens PHP Scripts

RavenNuke76(tm) v2.02.02 Released!
Date: Thursday, April 20, 2006 @ 19:25:09 CDT
Topic: RavenNuke

Finally! We have released v2.02.02 of RavenNuke76(tm) after weeks and weeks of updates and testing and updates and testing! Even though it is labeled as a fix pack, it is a whopper of a fix pack! This also includes phpbb2.0.20 plus many new security patches, along with many core nuke fixes. The installer and the documentation have been improved. There will be a Patch release also, but that may not make it out until tomorrow.

Addendum: I have just released the v2.02.00 to v2.02.02 Patch files for those who would rather do an upgrade from v2.02.00 than a fresh install.

This article comes from Ravens PHP Scripts

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