Ravens PHP Scripts

many mods, hacks and blocks - under active development - add your ideas now
Date: Sunday, April 23, 2006 @ 17:43:53 CDT
Topic: Add-Ons

well day by day new modules are released - enhanced or modified. many many modules are in a permanent development: a critical factor that lies at the heart of the open source development process is the feedback - your feedback.

if you like some of the modules here then please support as much feedback as possible to keep the good modules and addons in a ever evolving development and permanent state of flux. see the some of them - travel to the sites and if you like what you see then add your feedback to keep the development active - the future begins today -
and your are an important part of it - here we go:

see the many modules on hecargo.net - more than 20 Blocks for PHPNuke
and the webdever.net - the page with the User-Group-Modul and the nextnet.se - see all various mods - eg. the TopMusic-Modul
- My News Module v3.0 Released on the My News Module v3.0 [demo]
- NukeMatch PRE Version 2.0.1 *Final (Full Package)
- NukeArmy.com is very active FIND - Forum Integrated News Delivery - Input phpbb mod (originally written by Adrian Cockburn). Now you can use it for your PhpNuke portal! This powerful solution will help any phpnuke webmaster
- My News Module v3.0 Released on the My News Module v3.0 [demo]
- Static-Nuke - based on staticnuke.sharphorizon.com
- static-modules from Sunhelpdesk.com
- Approve membership module for PHPNuke developed on ulsoft.scarbridge.co.uk
- miguelo.org released NaviNuke-Block für PHPNuke 7.6
- Psychonuke.com a site with many Modules and Addons for Counterstrike-Sites, Clansites
- you want to help out - then mail to drahcir@psychonuke.com
- Modules from sergids.com - a powerful site for PHPNuke.

see warp-speed.de and phpnukefiles.com

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