Ravens PHP Scripts

phpMyBitTorrent 0.7.10 Released :: torrent-technology for PHPNuke
Date: Sunday, April 23, 2006 @ 17:51:30 CDT
Topic: Add-Ons

the bitnile.com developer recently came up with PHPNUKE BITTORRENT MODULE 0.80 - now they work on phpmybittorrent.com

what is new :: phpMyBitTorrent 0.7.10 Released!

travel over to phpmybittorrent.com and read more infos:

phpMyBitTorrent 0.7.10 Released! published on Wed, 29 Mar 2006 00:08:02 GMT phpMyBitTorrent is going to be the best PHP Open Source BitTorrent Tracker available
Project News: phpMyBitTorrent - The BitTorrent Tracker (phpmybittorrent project) - phpMyBitTorrent works as a BitTorrent tracker, but has feature no other tracker has, like External Torrents, DHT Support, Compact Announce, Alternate Links (eD2K, Magnet, eXeem), HTTP-Basic Authentication, Passkey Authentication, embedded HTML Editor...

travel over to phpmybittorrent.com and read more infos:

see also the bitnile.com developer-site: they recently came up with PHPNUKE BITTORRENT MODULE 0.80 -

This article comes from Ravens PHP Scripts

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