Ravens PHP Scripts

PHPNuke :: ever evolving network of innovation: reaching the next level
Date: Saturday, April 29, 2006 @ 08:28:09 CDT
Topic: Tool and Utilities

:: PHPNuke-Name comes with creat concepts for a sustainable development

see the great tools with class-trees and get ready for your first attempts to the understanding of the core and module-development

Phpnuke.name is published Phpnuke 7.0 online doc. PHPXref is a developer tool that's designed to ease the process of working on large PHP projects by making it very fast and easy to browse the code documentation along with the code itself. Referenced phpnuke code is available as part of doc.Doc is searchable for classes, function, variable and constants used in code. It will be valuable resource for phpnuke beginner. Experienced developers may take advantage of the doc as reference material for module developments. The doc will be also a good resource for any new php programmer as reference material.

Summary of project is as follow.

see PHPNuke-Name comes with creat concepts for a sustainable development

Summary statistics:
Files Scanned: 1485 containing 189557 lines
2973 variable names in 13343 definitions and 74714 references.
900 function/method names in 1013 definitions and 86160 references.
2233 constant names in 71959 definitions and 79103 references.
8 class names in 15 definitions and 28 references

This article comes from Ravens PHP Scripts

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