Ravens PHP Scripts

Ventrilo Status Module - updated
Date: Saturday, April 29, 2006 @ 09:06:35 CDT
Topic: Add-Ons

Ventrilo Status Module - updated

chris-phil writes "Update of Ventrilo Status module to version 1.4. Added features, enhanced display and refined installation of the original.

Module for PHPNuke enabling real-time status updates of a Ventrilo voice communication server, giving full channel and client lists, displaying comments and user flags. Also a customizable link for quick connection to a desired ventrilo server without the user having to enter an IP/port and password. Module is based and built upon the PHP status scripts for Ventrilo, created by Flagship, of Flagship Industries which are freely available from www.ventrilo.com.

See the live demo and Download the module for free under the GPL (registration is required)

This article comes from Ravens PHP Scripts

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