Ravens PHP Scripts

FiFA World Cup 2006 Addon version 1.0 and many great sporting-addons
Date: Thursday, May 11, 2006 @ 01:53:43 CDT
Topic: Add-Ons

FiFA World Cup 2006 Addon version 1.0- was made pupblic on multimedia.com.ro - get it also from the great respository warp-speed.de

See also the very great sites for league-modules, stats-modules and gamer-sites. Travel over to the developersits add your ideas, feedback and suggetsions to help to improve the code, knowledge, and the whole community.

- NukeLeague.com
- Psychonuke.com
- Fraxtats.com
- psychostats.com

more modules for sportings - see NukeLeague, RG_Sports, and add your ideas, suggestions and general praise:

- RG_Sports V2.1.3: The Definitive League System [von Redgerry.com] - for PHPNuke v. 6-7ff
- NukeLeague [von nukeleague.org] für PHPNuke v 6xx - 7xx ff
:: Links zu Demosites -
demo-site on Yorkshire Old Boys League 2003 (yobl.co.uk)
:: standings
:: shedule-overview :: preview :: overview ::

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