let us celebrate the great PHPNuke-network.
Well the global idea-ressource has reached a major milestone! BTW the global PHPNuke-group has more than 200,000 user that share ideas, code and knowledge. see also the great ressources at, Nukescripts.net, phpnukefiles.com, nukeressources.com
- NukeSentinel(tm) 2.5.0 was released at NukeScripts.net - get free code and support
- albini.net - more than 2200 users and
friends work on many powerful modules for PHPNuke and osc2nuke
IP to Country 2006-07-09 & NukeSentinel v2.5.0
Nuke Flickr Version 1.0 (from phpnukeflickr.comlanka.com) Clan Module Version 1.0 (from www.team-ki.com) or phpnuke Top Music 3.0 PR5 (still under developement) on sergids.com
many modules, blocks and hacks from ourscripts.net
Altogehter we re joining together one of the largest socio-technical-network under the sun! We Fostering cooperation on the Internet: social exchange processes in innovative virtual consumer communities currently phpnuke is well known in more than 35 countries - we're working on a new map to leverage the knowledge-exchange
and to improve the global network.