Ravens PHP Scripts

Customized Nuke 7.0 Download Being Prepared!
Date: Tuesday, December 16, 2003 @ 09:36:48 CST
Topic: PHP-Nuke

I have had MANY requests to put together a customized Nuke distribution. Well, I have been working on it and it's almost ready! It will have, pre-installed, the latest release of KISGB which has not yet been made public, as well as much of my other work. I am also making the MySQL Utility available as a Nuke module! Coppermine is included and ... Well, read on for everything to date. Please let me know immediately, by adding a comment here, if there is something else that you feel should be included.

Admin note: Last update 01/04/2004 17:01 CST

[ADDED] The following Themes were added to the distribution

The following Blocks were added to the distribution
Several Coppermine Blocks
Quiecomm Shout Block - modified by http://www.ourscripts.net

The following Modules were added to the distribution
Raven_MysqlUtility (Nuke Module :))
WorkBoard (Project Management
Quiecomm Shout Block - modified by http://www.ourscripts.net

The following Modules/Files were modified as stated
modules/Forums/avatars: Added hundreds of avatars to several subfolders.

modules/Downloads/index.php has been modified. Code has been added to allow the restricting of certain downloads to members only when anonymous downloading is allowed. This hack of mine is a code only hack and no database modifications are required. Also, code added that allows you to restrict downloads to registered users only but the downloads are available for viewing to all visitors. Note that this is a rewrite from my earlier released hack.

modules/Your_Account/index.php has been modified. Code has been added to allow the automatic registering of people. The original index.php file has been renamed and can easily be restored. To activate the autoActivation functionality, simply change the setting $autoActivate = FALSE; to $autoActivate = TRUE; in modules/Your_Account/index.php. Note that this is a rewrite from my earlier released hack.

Chatserv's Avatar Control Panel code has been merged in

To assist in SQL errors resolution, insert this line to line 88 in db/db.php: include("includes/functions.php");

Renamed faqanswer and faccategories to faqAnswer and faqCategories 12/14/2003
The files related to this fix are in the sql folder

The following fix was applied on 12/13/2003.
Line 289 in mainfile.php was modified FROM:
if ($points > 0 AND $points >= $row[points] || $mod_group == 0) {
if (($points >= 0 AND $points >= $grp) OR $mod_group == 0) {


The following fix was applied on 01/04/2004.
Lines 165 & 186 in modules/Members_List/index.php was modified FROM:
$order_by = "user_regdate $sort_order LIMIT $start, " . $board_config['topics_per_page'];
$order_by = "user_id $sort_order LIMIT $start, " . $board_config['topics_per_page'];


The following fix was applied on 01/04/2004.
Line 658 in modules/Your_Account/index.php was modified FROM:
if(!$result) {
if(!sql_num_rows($result)) {


Chatserv's Security/Fixes SF-70 was applied on 12/14/2003.
1-mainfile.php includes a $grp variable that is not used. (chatserv) Also reported by Alain Melsens recently.
The file related to this fix is mainfile.php

2-Missing $sitename variable in Downloads admin section. (chatserv)
The file related to this fix is admin/modules/downloads.php

3-Duplicate sql query in Downloads admin section. (chatserv)
The file related to this fix is admin/modules/downloads.php

4-$ThemeSel variable not defined in downloads admin. (chatserv)
The file related to this fix is admin/modules/downloads.php

5-Incorrect use of $module_name in Downloads admin. (chatserv).
The file related to this fix is admin/modules/downloads.php

6-Missing $dbi call in Encyclopedia admin section. (chatserv).
The file related to this fix is admin/modules/encyclopedia.php

7-$ThemeSel variable not defined in links admin. (chatserv).
The file related to this fix is admin/modules/links.php

8-Incorrect use of $module_name in Links admin. (chatserv).
The file related to this fix is admin/modules/links.php

9-Missing globals in LinksAddLink op. (chatserv)
The file related to this fix is admin/modules/links.php

10-Incorrect fetchrow call in block-Forums.php. (chatserv)
The file related to this fix is block-Forums.php

11-Missing globals in Avantgo module. (chatserv)
The file related to this fix is modules/Avantgo/index.php

12-Incorrect fetchrow call in Encyclopedia module. (chatserv)
The file related to this fix is modules/Encyclopedia/search.php

13-Incorrect fetchrow call in News module. (chatserv)
The file related to this fix is modules/News/friend.php

14-Missing global in Your_Account module. (chatserv)
The file related to this fix is modules/Your_Account/navbar.php

15-Duplicate sql query in Downloads module. (chatserv)
The file related to this fix is modules/Downloads/index.php

16-Merged lines in Web_Links module. (chatserv)
The file related to this fix is modules/Web_Links/index.php

17-Merged lines in Downloads module. (chatserv)
The file related to this fix is modules/Downloads/index.php

18-Incorrect block filename in block-User_Info.php. (chatserv)
The file related to this fix is block-User_Info.php

19-Incorrect variable number in Web_Links module. (chatserv)
The file related to this fix is modules/Web_Links/index.php

20-Missing $result variable in Your_Account module. (chatserv)
The file related to this fix is modules/Your_Account/index.php

21-Incorrect datestring in spanish language file. (chatserv)
The file related to this fix is modules/Downloads/language/lang-spanish.php


This article comes from Ravens PHP Scripts

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