Ravens PHP Scripts

O'Reilly European Open Source Convention (EuroOSCON)
Date: Friday, July 28, 2006 @ 10:26:23 CDT
Topic: Announcements

The O'Reilly European Open Source Convention, happening 18-21 September 2007 in Brussels, Belgium, is where business people, coders, decision makers, entrepreneurs, artists, and policy makers using, creating, and managing free (libre) and open projects gather to learn about best practices, strategic issues, and coming changes. EuroOSCON will be filled to the brim with mindbending demos, provocative keynotes, hands-on practical tutorials, and lots of two-way interactivity.

Use discount code "euos06ling" and save 10% on convention fees. http://conference.oreilly.com/eurooscon

This article comes from Ravens PHP Scripts

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